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第一週■週六 晨興餧養 西一12『感謝父,叫你們彀資格在光中同得所分給眾聖徒的分。』 徒二六18『…叫他們…因信入我,得蒙赦罪,並在一切聖別的人中得着基業。』 行傳二十六章十八節的『基業』也可譯爲一分,業分;原文也用於歌羅西一章十二節。…歌羅西一章十二節中眾聖徒的分,就是行傳二十六章十八節中那些因信入主而被聖別之人所得的分。…眾聖徒就是神所聖別的人,眾聖徒的分乃是基督自己。整卷歌羅西書乃是論到這個事實:神將包羅萬有的基督賜給我們,作我們的分。一切智慧和知識的寶藏,都藏在這包羅萬有的人位裏,(二3,)並且神格一切的豐滿,都有形有體的居住在祂裏面。(9。)基督已經賜給我們,作神所分給我們神聖的分。(李常受文集一九六四年第一册,二一二至二一三頁。) 信息選讀 保羅不能違背他所看見的,〔徒二六19,〕他的託付乃是照着他的異象。…如果我們真看見了神的計畫,並且真從基督以外的事物悔改,轉向基督自己,我們所看見和經歷的,就要爲我們產生或造成託付。這異象要使我們按照我們從基督所看見的,爲祂行事、工作,並事奉祂。如果我真看見基督是一切,祂是我的生命、我的經歷、以及我生命的意義和中心,就不需要召會的負責人來告訴我,我作爲召會的成員,必須爲主作工。一旦你看見了神計畫的異象,並從一切事物悔改轉向基督自己,你裏面就有東西加力給你,以完成神的計畫。 當我們接觸其他的信徒時,我們會與他們交通到我們所認識的基督。我們的託付和職事來自從天上來的異象。你越在禱告中接觸主,你就越對許多不信的人有負擔。你爲那些不認識基督、還沒有基督的人有內裏的負擔,結果你就很容易傳福音。傳福音對你將不僅僅是外面的工作,乃是從你裏面作出來的事。然後你接觸人的時候,不是把道理、形式、規條、或信條帶給他們;你不是把宗教帶給他們,乃是把基督這活的人位帶給他們。 也許你與另一位基督徒弟兄交通到關於基督在信徒裏面,(西一27,林後十三5,)他也許說他知道這事。然後你可以問他說,『你對基督作生命的經歷是甚麼?』你若在靈裏非常的活,你對他所說的話就會分賜基督,並且有衝擊力。聖靈會尊重你所說的。…他接觸你之後,也許多日在思想,基督在他裏面是甚麼意思。他會渴望回頭接觸你,要找出基督在他裏面是甚麼意思。…你要將基督帶給人,而這託付在於你的看見。因着你經歷了主,並看見了祂,你裏面就有個東西加你力量,並且運行、驅使你事奉主,將祂供應給別人。 主要恢復這一件事:基督自己被我們領畧,作我們的一切。基督自己乃是我們的知識、教訓、規條、形式、恩賜、能力、分量和豐富。如果我們得着基督,我們就得着一切。基督徒的生活不是宗教、教訓、形式、規條或恩賜,基督徒的生活乃是基督自己。(李常受文集一九六四年第一册,二一三至二一四、二一六頁。) 參讀:一個在神計畫中的青年人,第四章。 WEEK 1 — DAY 6 Morning Nourishment Col. 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light. Acts 26:18 ...That they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me. The word inheritance in Acts 26:18 may also be translated into “lot” or “portion.” This Greek word is also used in Colossians 1:12...The portion of the saints in Colossians 1:12 is the portion of those who have been sanctified by faith in the Lord in Acts 26:18...The saints are the persons who have been sanctified by God. The portion of the saints is Christ Himself. The entire book of Colossians deals with the fact that God gave the all-inclusive Christ to us as our portion. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in this all-inclusive person (Col. 2:3), and all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him bodily (v. 9). Christ has been given to us as a divine portion allotted to us by God. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 1, “A Young Man in God’s Plan,” p. 163) Today’s Reading Paul could not be disobedient to what he had seen [Acts 26:19]. His commission was according to his vision...If we have really seen God’s plan and have been really converted from the things other than Christ to Christ Himself, what we have seen and experienced will produce or create a commission for us. This vision will cause us to act, to work for Christ, to serve Christ, according to what we have seen of Him. If I have really seen that Christ is everything, that He is my life, my experience, and the meaning and center of my life, there will be no need for the responsible ones of the church to come to tell me that I have to do something for the Lord as a member of the church. Once you have seen a vision of God’s plan and have been converted from everything to Christ Himself, there will be something within you energizing you to carry out God’s plan. When we contact other believers, we will fellowship with them about the Christ whom we know. Our commission and ministry come out of the heavenly vision. The more that you contact the Lord in prayer, the more you will be burdened for so many unbelievers. As a result of your inward burden for those who do not know Christ, who do not have Christ, it will be easy for you to preach the gospel. Preaching the gospel will not merely be an outward work for you but something being worked out from within you. Then when you contact people, you are not going to bring them some doctrines, forms, regulations, or creeds. You are not bringing a religion to them, but you are bringing the living person of Christ to them. It may be that you would fellowship with another Christian brother about Christ being in the believers (Col. 1:27; 2 Cor. 13:5). He may say that he knows this. Then you can ask him, “What is your experience of Christ as life?” If you are so living in the spirit, what you say to him will impart Christ and will have an impact. The Holy Spirit will honor what you say...After his contact with you, he may wonder for days what it means to have Christ within him. He will desire to get back in touch with you to find out what it means to have Christ within him...You are going to bring Christ to people, and this commission depends on your seeing. Because you have experienced the Lord and seen Him, you have something within you energizing and operating to impel you to serve the Lord in ministering Him to others. The Lord wants to recover Christ Himself to be realized by us as everything. Christ Himself is our knowledge, our teaching, our regulation, our form, our gifts, our power, our weight, and our riches. If you have Christ, you have everything. The Christian life is not a matter of religion, of teachings, of forms, of regulations, or of gifts, but a matter of Christ Himself. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 1, “A Young Man in God’s Plan,” pp. 163-166) Further Reading: CWWL, 1964, vol. 1, “A Young Man in God’s Plan,” chs. 1,3-4 |
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