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第一週■週五 晨興餧養 徒二六16 ~ 19『…我向你顯現,正是要選定你作執事和見證人,…我差你到他們那裏去,叫他們的眼睛得開,從黑暗轉入光中,從撒但權下轉向神,又因信入我,得蒙赦罪,並在一切聖別的人中得着基業。…我故此沒有違背那從天上來的異象。』 行傳二十六章十八節陳明全備的福音。在此有完備、完全、完整的福音:叫人的眼睛得開,從黑暗轉入光中,從撒但權下轉向神,使人得蒙赦罪,因信得聖別,並享受聖徒共同的分,過召會生活。在這一節中有七個點:㈠叫人的眼睛得開,㈡使他們從黑暗轉入光中,㈢使他們從撒但權下轉向神,㈣幫助他們的罪得赦免,㈤幫助他們因信聖別,㈥使他們能在眾聖徒中有共同的分,並且㈦活在召會生活中。…這就是青年人當向這世代傳講的福音。不要傳上天堂的可憐福音—要傳在行傳二十六章十八節所啓示拔高的福音。(李常受文集一九七五至一九七六年第三册,三六四頁。) 信息選讀 你需要到主面前禱告,說,『主,開我的眼睛。我不需要知識。主,我需要眼睛得開。主,使我轉離任何黑暗的事物。我不要留在黑暗中。主,使我從黑暗轉入光中。』這是屬靈的實際。…你也需要禱告:『主,使我從撒但的權勢、管轄轉向你自己。我必須是一個絕對在神裏面的人。神是我的範圍、我的領域、我的國度。我必須在神裏面。』你若這樣禱告,你會變成另一個人。我能保證你會不一樣。如果必要,甚至要爲這些事禁食禱告,說,『主,我要我的眼睛前所未有的被開啓。我不要昏暗不明,我要有像啓示錄中四活物的眼睛。』四活物徧體內外都滿了眼睛。我們也必須如此。然後當我們接觸人時,他們將會領悟我們明亮如水晶。…別人也許是善良的、合乎倫理的、虔守宗教的、有道德的,甚至合乎聖經的,但是他們昏暗不明。 我們也需要禱告:『主,賜給我完全徹底的赦免,赦免我一切的罪。我要完全的清除所有的罪。我不願保留任何未受對付的東西。主,我也要完全聖別。我不要僅僅是一個蒙赦免的人,我也要是個聖別的人。…』一天過一天,我們享受基督作我們的分,不是單獨的享受,而是在眾聖徒中間享受。…他們就是在召會中聖別的人。眾聖徒就是召會。當我們進入召會,我們就在眾聖徒中間。哦,我們何等需要爲這七件事禱告!要向主迫切的禱告,說,『主,我要經歷你向保羅所啓示的福音,就是行傳二十六章十八節所題到的。我要經歷這完滿、完整、完全、和透徹的福音。』這福音不僅論到神的國,也論到撒但的國。它包括了豐富的基督作我們的分,以及所有的聖徒作團體的身體—基督的召會。我們何等需要經歷這福音! 我們若是經歷這完整的福音,我們就不會僅僅是傳講的人—我們會是見證人。我能向你保證,無論何時你這樣禱告,主耶穌就要向你顯現,祂的顯現就要給你一個異象。然後你要看見某些事情。…我們需要看見異象。…我們當說,『主,…開我的眼睛,並且使我從一切黑暗徹底轉入光中。使我從撒但權下轉向神,並且賜給我徹底的赦免,赦免我一切的罪。哦,主阿,聖別我,使我能在地方召會裏,在眾聖徒中間,享受你作我的分。』(李常受文集一九七五至一九七六年第三册,三六五至三六七頁。) 參讀:主恢復中應有的認識,第一篇;歌中的歌,第六段。
WEEK 1 — DAY 5 Morning Nourishment Acts. 26:16-19 ...I have appeared to you...to appoint you as a minister and a witness...to whom I send you, to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me. Therefore,...I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. The complete, perfect, whole gospel is found [in] Acts 26:18: to open people’s eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, be sanctified by faith, and enjoy the common portion of the saints to have the church life. In this one verse there are seven points: (1) to open people’s eyes, (2) to turn them from darkness to light, (3) to turn them from the authority of Satan to God, (4) to help them receive forgiveness of sins, (5) to help them to be sanctified by faith, (6) that they may have a common portion among the saints, and (7) be in the church life...This is the gospel that the young people must preach to this generation. Do not preach the poor gospel about going to heaven—preach the uplifted gospel revealed in Acts 26:18. (CWWL, 1975-1976, vol. 3, “Young People’s Training,” p. 311) Today’s Reading You need to go to the Lord and pray, saying, “Lord, open my eyes. I don’t need knowledge, Lord. I need my eyes to be opened. Lord, turn me from anything dark. I don’t want to remain in darkness. Lord, turn me from darkness to light.” This is spiritual reality...You also need to pray, “Lord, turn me from the authority, the dominion, of Satan to Yourself. I must be a person who is absolutely in God. God is my sphere, my realm, my kingdom. I must be in God.” If you pray like this, you will become another person. I can assure you that you will be different. If necessary, even fast and pray about these matters, saying, “Lord, I want to have my eyes opened like they have never been opened before. I don’t want to be opaque. I want to have eyes like the four living creatures in the book of Revelation.” The living creatures have eyes everywhere, without and within. We need to be like this. Then when we contact people, they will realize that we are crystal clear...Others may be good, ethical, religious, moral, and even scriptural, but they are opaque. We also need to pray, “Lord, grant me a full and thorough forgiveness of all my sins. I want to have a clearance of sins from the top to the bottom. I would leave nothing that has not been dealt with. Lord, I also want to be fully sanctified. I don’t want to be merely a forgiven person but also a sanctified person...” Day by day we enjoy Christ as our portion, not in an individualistic way but by enjoying Him among the saints,...those who are sanctified in the church. The saints are the church. When we get into the church, we get among the saints. Oh, how we must pray over these seven matters! Pray desperately to the Lord, saying, “Lord, I want to experience the gospel that You revealed to Paul as mentioned in Acts 26:18. I want to experience this full, complete, perfect, and thorough gospel.” This gospel covers not only God’s kingdom but also Satan’s kingdom. It includes the rich Christ as our portion and all the saints as the corporate Body, the church of Christ. How we need to experience this gospel! If we experience the whole gospel, we shall not merely be a preacher—we shall be a witness. I can guarantee you that whenever you pray this way, the Lord Jesus will appear to you, and His appearing will give you a vision. Then you will see certain things...We need to see a vision...We should say, “Lord,...open my eyes and turn me thoroughly from all darkness to light. Turn me from the authority of Satan to God, and grant me a thorough forgiveness of all my sinfulness. O Lord, sanctify me that I may enjoy You as my portion among the saints in the local churches.” (CWWL, 1975-1976, vol. 3, “Young People’s Training,” pp. 311-312) Further Reading: CWWL, 1975-1976, vol. 3, “Young People’s Training,” ch. 1; CWWN, vol. 23, “The Song of Songs,” sec. 6 |
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