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讀經:提前一3 ~ 4,弗一4 ~ 5,三2、9,五26 ~27,來二10 ~ 11,帖前五23,徒二六18 ~ 19


壹 在主的恢復裏所該專注、強調並供應的那一件事,惟一的事,乃是神永遠經綸的屬天異象;聖經的中心題目就是神的經綸,全本聖經乃是論到神的經綸—提前一3 ~4, 弗一10, 三2、8 ~ 9、16 ~ 19,徒二六18 ~ 19:

一 『神的經綸、計畫就是要把祂自己作成人,又把我們這些祂所造的人作成「神」,叫祂自己「人化」,叫我們眾人「神化」。』(關於神聖分賜更深的研讀,四五頁)

二 神永遠的經綸乃是祂要成爲人,好使人在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成爲神,以建造基督的身體,終極完成新耶路撒冷—約一1、14,林前十五45 下,啓四5,五6,二一2、10 ~ 11。

三 今天我們能同心合意,因爲我們只有一個異象,就是神永遠經綸的異象—徒一14,林前一9 ~


貳 我們在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成爲神,是父神在已過的永遠裏藉着揀選我們成爲聖別,豫定我們得兒子的名分,而起始的;爲着神聖的兒子名分之神聖的聖別,乃是神聖經綸的中心,也是新約啓示的中心思想—弗一4 ~ 5:

一 成爲聖別乃是成聖,就是分別歸神,並被神這聖別者,就是與一切凡俗的不同、有別者,所浸透—彼前一15 ~ 16,弗一4 ~ 5。

二 祂在創立世界以前,在基督裏揀選了我們,叫我們成爲聖別,爲使我們在性情上成爲神(4);惟有神是聖別的;我們要成爲聖別,就需要神將祂聖別的性情分賜到我們裏面,這聖別的性情就成爲聖靈用以聖別我們的聖別元素(彼後一4,來十二14)。

三 祂甚至在我們受造之前就豫定我們得兒子的名分,爲使我們在生命上成爲神(弗一5);我們要成爲神的兒子,就必須藉着神的生命分賜到我們裏面,而爲神所生(約一12 ~ 13,三6,約壹五11 ~ 12):

1 以弗所一章四至五節啓示,神揀選我們,叫我們成爲聖別,目的是要使我們成爲神的兒子;成爲聖別是過程、手續,成爲神的兒子才是目的、目標,好使我們全人,包括身體(羅八23),得以被神『子化』(啓二一2、9 ~ 11)。


2 希伯來二章十至十一節啓示,復活的基督作爲神救恩的元帥、創始者,正在藉着聖別許多的兒子,領他們進榮耀裏去。

3 神聖的聖別,在完成神聖的經綸上乃是主持線,爲要神聖的使我們子化,使我們成爲神的兒子,在生命和性情上與神一樣(但無分於祂的神格),而使我們作神的彰顯;因此,神的聖別乃是神聖的子化。

4 我們說聖別是主持線,因爲神在我們身上的工作,每一步都是使我們成爲聖別;神永遠經綸的完成乃是藉着那靈的聖別—帖前五23,約十七17,弗五26 ~ 27,林前六11,十二3 下,來十二4 ~ 14,羅八28 ~ 29,弗四30,帖前五19,啓二7 上,詩七三16 ~ 17、25 ~ 26,啓二一2、10。


叁 神聖的、性情上的聖別,乃是由基督作爲賜生命、聖化人並說話的靈所施行的—林前十五45 下,帖前五23,弗五26:

一 基督作賜生命的靈,藉話中之水的洗滌潔淨召會,而聖化召會;照着神聖的觀念,以弗所五章二十六節的『水』是指神湧流的生命,由湧流的水所豫表(出十七6,林前十4,約七37 ~ 39,啓七17,二一6,二二1、17);我們現今是在這樣洗滌的過程中,使召會得以成爲聖別、沒有瑕疵。

二 以弗所五章二十六節裏『洗滌』的原文,直譯是『洗濯盆』;舊約的祭司用洗濯盆洗去他們屬地的污穢(出三十18 ~ 21);一天過一天,在早晨在晚間,我們都需要來就近聖經,藉着話中之水的洗濯盆而得潔淨。

三 保羅說到話帶着其洗滌的過程時(弗五26),原文是用『雷瑪(rhema)』這辭;『婁格斯(logos)』是客觀一面記在聖經裏的神的話;『雷瑪』是神在專特情況中向我們說出來的話(可十四72,路一35 ~ 38,五5,二四1 ~ 8)。

四 基督作爲賜生命的靈,是說話的靈;祂所說的一切就是洗滌我們的話;這不是指『婁格斯』,常時的話,乃是指『雷瑪』,卽時的話,就是主現在對我們所說的話—太四4,約六63,啓二7,二二17 上,參賽六9 ~ 10,太十三14 ~ 15,徒二八25 ~ 31。

五 雷瑪是親自、直接向我們有所啓示,要給我們看見應當對付的是甚麼,應當洗淨的是甚麼(銅洗濯盆是能返照人、暴露人的一面鏡子—出三八8);對於我們各人,要緊的乃是:神今天有沒有對我說祂的話?—啓二7,撒上三1、21,摩三7。

六 有一件我們一直寶貴的事,就是主今天仍然親自、直接向我們說話;在生命裏真實的長大在於我們從神直接領受話;惟有祂在我們裏面的說話才有真實屬靈的價值—來三7 ~ 11、15,四7,詩九五7 ~ 8。

七 我們禱告的中心點,該是我們切慕有主的說話,這使我們能按照祂心頭的願望達成祂永遠經綸的目標,就是得着神聖的兒子名分—路一38,十38 ~ 42,弗一5。

八 實際說來,主的同在與祂的說話乃是一;每當祂說話時,我們就知道祂在我們裏面與我們同在;基督的說話就是賜生命之靈的同在—參出三三12 ~ 17,來十一8。

九 內住的基督作爲賜生命的靈在我們裏面的說話,就是潔淨的水,把新的元素儲存到我們裏面,頂替我們本性和性情裏老舊的元素;這新陳代謝的潔淨,使人在生命裏有真正、內裏的改變,這就是在性情上聖化和變化的實際。


肆 行傳二十六章十八節啓示我們神聖託付的內容,使我們能按照神經綸的屬天異象事奉;我們需要就着這些內容來禱告,求主使這些成爲我們的經歷和實際,好使我們能帶別人進入這樣的經歷和實際:

一 『叫他們的眼睛得開』—18 節:

1 我們需要不斷的禱告,求主賜給我們智慧和啓示的靈,好多而又多的明白並看見基督、基督的身體以及那爲着神聖經綸的神聖分賜—弗一17,三5,參啓四6,三17,太六6。

2 若沒有對主新的認識,和對祂新的異象,我們就無法往前—徒二六16,腓三8 下、10 上、13,參申四25。

3 我們的託付是要『將那…奧祕有何等的經綸,向眾人照明』—弗三9。

二 『叫他們…從黑暗轉入光中』—徒二六18:

1 光就是神的同在;我們必須是滿了光的人—賽二5,約壹一5,路十一34 ~ 36。

2 享受基督作爲神所分給我們的分,乃是『在光中』—西一12,約八12,一4,詩一一九105、130,太五14,啓一20。

3 我們必須是發光之體顯在世界裏,將生命的話表明出來(腓二14 ~ 16);我們必須宣揚那召我們出黑暗、入祂奇妙之光者的美德(彼前二9)。

三 『叫他們…從撒但權下轉向神』—徒二六18:

1 我們屬靈經歷的最高點,乃是有清明的天,其上有寶座;在清明的天之上有寶座,乃是讓主在我們裏面居首位,並在我們的生活中有最高、最優先的地位—結一22、26,西一18,參結十四3。

2 我們若在清明的天(其上有寶座)以下,就會有真正的權柄,能將人帶到神的權柄之下—林後十4 ~5、8,十三3、10。

3 我們向着主愛到極點的愛,使我們彀資格、得成全、受裝備,帶着主的權柄爲主說話—參約二一15、17。

四 『叫他們…得蒙赦罪』—徒二六18:

1 我們需要到主面前去,得着主徹底赦免我們一切的罪—約壹一7、9。

2 大衞乞求神塗抹他的過犯,將他的罪孽洗滌淨盡,並潔淨他的罪—詩五一1 ~ 2、7、9:

a 我們和大衞一樣,需要停留在神面前,有徹底並真實的悔改和認罪,好從神得着完全的赦免。

b 我們若承認我們的罪而得神赦免,就必得着神救恩之樂,也必得着樂意之靈的扶持;然後,我們就能將主的道路指教有過犯的人,罪人必回轉歸向祂—12 ~ 13 節。


五 『叫他們…因信入我,…在一切聖別的人中得着基業』;這基業是三一神自己並祂所有的、所作成的以及爲祂贖民所要作的一切—徒二六18:

1 三一神化身在包羅萬有的基督裏面;這基督是分給眾聖徒的分,作他們的基業—西二9,一12。

2 我們『在一切聖別的人中』,就是在召會生活的聖徒中(參提後二22),享受是靈的基督作我們得基業的憑質(弗一14)。

3 我們需要把人帶到召會生活中對包羅萬有之基督的享受裏,使他們和我們一樣享受基督,並使他們藉着操練靈而在性情上被神的聖別性情所聖化—來二10 ~ 11,林前一9,林後四13。

伍 我們爲着神聖的兒子名分而被聖化,終極完成於新耶路撒冷作爲聖城(啓二一2、10)和神聖兒子名分的集大成(7);這乃是神成爲在肉體裏的人,好使人在那靈裏成爲神的終極完成,以得着團體偉大的神人(3、22),作三一神團體的彰顯,就是祂的榮耀(11、23)。

Message One


Living and Serving according to
the Heavenly Vision of God’s Economy

Hymns: s151

Scripture Reading: 1 Tim. 1:3-4; Eph. 1:4-5; 3:2, 9; 5:26-27; Heb. 2:10-11; 1 Thes. 5:23; Acts 26:18-19

§ Day 1

I. The one thing, the unique thing, that should be focused on, stressed, and ministered in the Lords recovery is the heavenly vision of the eternal economy of God; the central subject of the Bible is the economy of God, and the entire Bible is concerned with the economy of God—1 Tim. 1:3-4; Eph. 1:10; 3:2, 8-9, 16-19; Acts 26:18-19:

A. "Gods economy and plan is to make Himself man and to make us, His created beings, God so that He is man-ized and we are God-ized " (A Deeper Study of the Divine Dispensing, pp. 51-52).

B. Gods eternal economy is for Him to become man that man might become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead for the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem—John 1:1, 14; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rev. 4:5; 5:6; 21:2, 10-11.

C. Today we can be in one accord because we have only one vision, the vision of the eternal economy of God—Acts 1:14; 1 Cor. 1:9-10; Jer. 32:39.

§ Day 2

II. Our becoming God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead was initiated by God the Father in eternity past by His choosing us to be holy, predestinating us unto sonship; the divine sanctification for the divine sonship is the center of the divine economy and the central thought of the revelation in the New Testament—Eph. 1:4-5:

A. To be sanctified is to be made holy, which is to be separated unto God and saturated with God as the Holy One, the One who is different, distinct, from everything that is common—1 Pet. 1:15-16; Eph. 1:4-5.

B. He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy in order for us to become God in nature (v. 4); God is the only One who is holy; for us to be holy we need God in His holy nature dispensed into us, and this holy nature becomes the holy element with which the Holy Spirit sanctifies us (2 Pet. 1:4; Heb. 12:14).

C. He predestinated us unto sonship even before we were created in order for us to become God in life (Eph. 1:5); for us to become sons of God, we must be born of God by the dispensing of Gods life into our being (John 1:12-13; 3:6; 1 John 5:11-12):

1. Ephesians 1:4-5 reveals that God chose us to be holy for the purpose of our being made sons of God; to be made holy is the process, the procedure, whereas to be sons of God is the aim, the goal, so that our whole being, including our body (Rom. 8:23), may be "sonized" by God (Rev. 21:2, 9-11).

§ Day 3

2. Hebrews 2:10-11 reveals that the resurrected Christ as the Captain, the Author, of Gods salvation is leading many sons into glory by sanctifying them.

3. The divine sanctification is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy to sonize us divinely, making us sons of God that we may become the same as God in His life and in His nature (but not in His Godhead), so that we may be Gods expression; hence, Gods sanctification is the divine sonizing.

4. We say that sanctification is the holding line because every step of Gods work with us is to make us holy; the carrying out of the eternal economy of God is by the Spirits sanctification—1 Thes. 5:23; John 17:17; Eph. 5:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:11; 12:3b; Heb. 12:4-14; Rom. 8:28-29; Eph. 4:30; 1 Thes. 5:19; Rev. 2:7a; Psa. 73:16-17, 25-26; Rev. 21:2, 10.

§ Day 4

III. The divine, dispositional sanctification is carried out by Christ as the life-giving, sanctifying, and speaking Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b; 1 Thes. 5:23; Eph. 5:26:

A. Christ as the life-giving Spirit sanctifies the church by cleansing her according to the washing of the water in the word; according to the divine concept, water in Ephesians 5:26 refers to the flowing life of God, typified by flowing water (Exo. 17:6; 1 Cor. 10:4; John 7:37-39; Rev. 7:17; 21:6; 22:1, 17); we are now in such a washing process in order that the church may be holy and without blemish.

B. The Greek word for washing in Ephesians 5:26 is literally "laver"; in the Old Testament the priests used the laver to wash away their earthly defilement (Exo. 30:18-21); day by day, morning and evening, we need to come to the Bible and be cleansed by the laver of the water in the word.

C. Paul uses the Greek word rhema when he speaks of the word with its washing process (Eph. 5:26); logos is Gods Word objectively recorded in the Bible; rhema is the word of God spoken to us on a specific occasion (Mark 14:72; Luke 1:35-38; 5:5; 24:1-8).

D. As the life-giving Spirit, Christ is the speaking Spirit; whatever He speaks is the word that washes us; this does not refer to logos, the constant word, but to rhema, which denotes an instant word, the word that the Lord presently speaks to us—Matt. 4:4; John 6:63; Rev. 2:7; 22:17a; cf. Isa. 6:9- 10; Matt. 13:14-15; Acts 28:25-31.

E. The rhema reveals something to us personally and directly; it shows us what we need to deal with and what we need to be cleansed from (the laver of bronze was a mirror that could reflect and expose—Exo. 38:8); the important thing for each one of us is this—is God speaking His word to me today?—Rev. 2:7; 1 Sam. 3:1,21; Amos 3:7.

F. One thing that we always treasure is that the Lord still speaks to us personally and directly today; true growth in life depends upon our receiving the word directly from God; only His speaking in us has true spiritual value—Heb. 3:7-11, 15; 4:7; Psa. 95:7-8.

G. The central point of our prayers should be our longing for the Lords speaking, which enables us to fulfill the goal of His eternal economy according to His hearts desire to have His divine sonship—Luke 1:38; 10:38-42; Eph. 1:5.

H. In a very practical sense, the Lords presence is one with His speaking; whenever He speaks, we realize His presence within us; Christs speaking is the very presence of the life-giving Spirit—cf. Exo. 33:12-17; Heb. 11:8.

I. The speaking of the indwelling Christ as the life-giving Spirit within us is the cleansing water that deposits a new element into us to replace the old element in our nature and disposition; this metabolic cleansing causes a genuine and inward change in life, which is the reality of dispositional sanctification and transformation.

§ Day 5

IV. Acts 26:18 reveals the contents of our divine commission to serve according to the heavenly vision of Gods economy; we need to pray over these contents, asking the Lord to make them our experience and reality so that we can bring others into this experience and reality:

A. "To open their eyes"—v. 18:

1. We need to continually pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation to understand and to see more and more of Christ, the Body of Christ, and the divine dispensing for the divine economy—Eph. 1:17; 3:5; cf. Rev. 4:6; 3:17; Matt. 6:6.

2. We cannot go on without new knowledge of the Lord and a new vision of Him—Acts 26:16; Phil. 3:8b, 10a, 13; cf. Deut. 4:25.

3. Our commission is to "enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is"—Eph. 3:9.

B. "To turn them from darkness to light"—Acts 26:18:

1. Light is the presence of God; we need to be people who are full of light—Isa. 2:5; 1 John 1:5; Luke 11:34-36.

2. The enjoyment of Christ as our God-given portion is "in the light"—Col. 1:12; John 8:12; 1:4; Psa. 119:105, 130; Matt. 5:14; Rev. 1:20.

3. We need to be luminaries in the world, holding forth the word of life (Phil. 2:14-16); we need to tell out the virtues of the One who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Pet. 2:9).

C. "To turn them...from the authority of Satan to God"—Acts 26:18:

1. The highest point in our spiritual experience is to have a clear sky with the throne above it; to have the throne above a clear sky is to give the Lord the preeminence in our being and the highest and most prominent position in our life—Ezek. 1:22, 26; Col. 1:18; cf. Ezek. 14:3.

2. If we are under a clear sky with the throne above it, genuine authority will be with us to bring others under Gods authority—2 Cor. 10:4-5, 8; 13:3, 10.

3. Our uttermost love for the Lord qualifies, perfects, and equips us to speak for the Lord with His authority—cf. John 21:15, 17.

D. "That they may receive forgiveness of sins"—Acts 26:18:

1. We need to go to the Lord to receive a thorough forgiveness of all our sins—1 John 1:7, 9.

2. David begged God to blot out his transgressions, wash him thoroughly from his iniquity, and cleanse him from his sin—Psa. 51:1-2, 7, 9:

a. Like David we need to stay in the presence of God to have a thorough and genuine repentance and confession to receive a full forgiveness from God.

b. If we confess our sins to receive Gods forgiveness, we will have the gladness of Gods salvation and be sustained with a willing spirit; then we can teach transgressors His ways, and sinners will turn back to Him—vv. 12-13.

§ Day 6

E. "That they may receive...an inheritance among those who have been
sanctified by faith in Me"; this inheritance is the Triune God Himself with all He has, all He has done, and all He will do for His redeemed people— Acts 26:18:

1. The Triune God is embodied in the all-inclusive Christ, who is the portion allotted to the saints as their inheritance—Col. 2:9; 1:12.

2. We enjoy the pneumatic Christ as the pledge of our inheritance (Eph. 1:14)
"among those," that is, among those in the church life (cf. 2 Tim. 2:22).

3. We need to bring people into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ in
the church life so that they may enjoy Christ as we do and be sanctified
dispositionally with the holy nature of God through the exercise of their
spirit—Heb. 2:10-11; 1 Cor. 1:9; 2 Cor. 4:13.

V. Our being sanctified for the divine sonship ultimately
consummates in the New Jerusalem as the holy city (Rev.
21:2, 10) and the aggregate of the divine sonship (v. 7); this
is the ultimate consummation of God becoming a man in
the flesh that man might become God in the Spirit to gain
a great, corporate God-man (vv. 3,22) for the corporate
expression, the glory, of the Triune God (vv. 11, 23).

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