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這神聖羅曼史在雅歌中詩意的描繪出來。在雅歌裏,尋求者經過一個過程,成爲書拉密女,就是所羅門的複本,也是新耶路撒冷的表號。(六13,4。)六章十三節第一次用到佳偶的名字書拉密女(所羅門的女性寫法),指明到這時候,她已經成了所羅門的複本、配偶,在生命、性情和形像上,與所羅門一樣,正如夏娃之於亞當;(創二20 ~ 23;)這表徵愛基督的人在生命、性情和形像上與基督一樣,與祂相配,(林後三18,羅八29,)好與祂成爲婚配。所羅門的佳偶經過變化的各階段,成爲所羅門的複本。新耶路撒冷將是團體的書拉密女,包括所有蒙神揀選並救贖的人。



至終,我們要被模成美妙的書拉密女,作所羅門的複本,成爲那作基督對耦之新耶路撒冷最大並終極的表號。正如所羅門王成了鄉村的男子,追求一個鄉村的女子,爲要使她成爲自己的王后,作自己的複本;神在基督裏也成了人,來追求人,爲要使人在生命、性情、彰顯、功用上,但不在神格上成爲神,好作基督的新婦。(太九15,啓十九7,參詩四五1 ~3,9,13 ~ 14。)聖經啓示,神成爲人來追求我們,如今祂要我們追求祂,藉着我們與祂有個人、情深、私下、屬靈的關係,而成爲神聖的,作祂的彰顯。(歌一1 ~ 8,林後二10,出三三11,羅八4,6,林前二15。)書拉密女是一個表號,說出我們成爲那作神具體化身之基督的複製。因此,許多愛基督的人至終要在生命和性情上(但不在神格上)成爲神的複本。這是神成爲人,爲要使人成爲神的應驗;這是神聖啓示的高峯。團體的得勝者,就是書拉密女,是所羅門的複本,乃是新耶路撒冷的表號。




WEEK 12 — DAY 4


Morning Nourishment

S. S. 6:13 Return, return, O Shulammite; return, return, that we may gaze at you…

            4 You are as beautiful, my love, as Tirzah, as lovely as Jerusalem, as terrible as an army with banners.

The divine romance is portrayed poetically in Song of Songs. In Song of Songs the seeker passes through a process to become the Shulammite, the duplication of Solomon and a figure of the New Jerusalem (6:13, 4). The lover’s name, Shulammite, which is the feminine form of Solomon, is first used in Song of Songs 6:13, indicating that at this point she has become Solomon’s duplication and counterpart, the same as Solomon in life, nature, and image, as Eve to Adam (Gen. 2:20-23). This signifies that the lover of Christ becomes the same as He is in life, nature, and image to match Him (2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 8:29) for their marriage. The lover of Solomon, having passed through various stages of transformation, has become Solomon’s duplication. The New Jerusalem will be a corporate Shulammite, including all of God’s chosen and redeemed people.

In the New Jerusalem the redeeming God (signified by Solomon) and all His redeemed (signified by the Shulammite) become one. The New Jerusalem is a mingling of divinity and humanity to express the processed and consummated Triune God in human virtues. Christ and His wife will be joined together to be the New Jerusalem for God’s expression; this is the consummated Shulammite. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 4372)

Todays Reading

Ultimately, we will be conformed to be the wonderful Shulammite, who, as the  duplication of Solomon, is the greatest and ultimate figure of the New Jerusalem as the counterpart of Christ. Just as King Solomon became a country man to court a country girl in order to make her his queen, his duplication, God in Christ became a man to court man in order to make man God in life, nature, expression, and function but not in the Godhead, to be Christ’s bride (Matt. 9:15; Rev. 19:7; cf. Psa. 45:1-3, 9, 13-14). The Bible reveals that God became a man to court us and that now He wants us to court Him by our becoming divine for His expression through our personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with Him (S. S. 1:1-8; 2 Cor. 2:10; Exo. 33:11; Rom. 8:4, 6; 1 Cor. 2:15). The Shulammite is a figure of us as the reproduction of Christ, who is the embodiment of God. Thus, the many lovers of Christ eventually will become duplications of God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead. This is the fulfillment of God becoming a man that man might become God, which is the high peak of the divine revelation. The corporate overcomer, the Shulammite, who is the duplication of Solomon, is a figure of the New Jerusalem.

The Shulammite was a country girl. Now, as a counterpart of Solomon, she has become the same as Solomon in life, nature, expression, and function for the carrying out of God’s economy. We become the same as God and Christ in life, nature, expression, and function, but not in the Godhead. To say that we are the same as God in His Godhead is a great blasphemy, but to say that we cannot be the same as God in life, nature, expression, and function is unbelief. The Bible tells us again and again that God wants to be one with us and to make us one with Him. This is God’s intention.

Revelation 21:9b says, “Come here; I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb…” Whereas the bride is mainly for the wedding day, the wife is for the entire life. The New Jerusalem will be the bride in the millennium for one thousand years as one day (2 Pet. 3:8) and then the wife in the new heaven and new earth for eternity. The bride in the millennium will include only the overcoming saints, but the wife in the new heaven and new earth will include all the redeemed and regenerated sons of God (Rev. 21:7). (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 4372-4373, 2700)

Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 258

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