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第十一週■週六 晨興餧養 啓二一3『…看哪,神的帳幕與人同在,祂要與人同住…。』 22『我未見城內有殿,因主神全能者和羔羊爲城的殿。』 我花了七十多年來研讀聖經,但直到最近我纔看見,聖經實際上只揭示一件事—宇宙的合併。滿有目的的神有一個經綸,在祂的經綸裏,祂要得着一個宇宙的合併。 雖然我們看見了新耶路撒冷是神經綸的目標,但我們沒有看見新耶路撒冷乃是一個合併。在啓示錄二十一章二節使徒約翰說,『我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷,』而在下一節他說到新耶路撒冷是『神的帳幕』。新耶路撒冷作神的帳幕,乃是神的居所…〔和〕宇宙的合併。(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第五册,四二七至四二八頁。) 信息選讀 嗎哪豫表基督是屬天的糧食,使神的子民有能力走祂的道路。嗎哪有一分保存在金罐裏,藏在約櫃內。(出十六32 ~ 34,來九4。)這隱藏的嗎哪表徵隱密的基督,是特別的一分,保留給祂那些勝過屬世召會之墮落的得勝信徒。〔啓二17。〕當召會走世界的路時,這些得勝者進前來,住在至聖所裏,在那裏享受隱藏的基督這特別的一分,作他們每日的供應。 喫隱藏的嗎哪就是合併到帳幕裏。舊約裏的帳幕乃是宇宙合併的表號。基督作爲隱藏的嗎哪乃是帳幕的中心。…隱藏的嗎哪表徵基督,乃是在金罐裏,而金罐是指神說的。嗎哪在金罐裏,指明基督在父裏。(約十四10 上,11 上。)約櫃是在至聖所裏,至聖所就是我們的靈。今天,我們那有聖靈內住的靈就是至聖所。從這裏我們能看見,基督作爲隱藏的嗎哪是在作爲金罐的父神裏;父是在作爲約櫃的基督(帶着祂的兩種性情—神性和人性)裏;這基督作爲內住的靈活在我們重生的靈裏,作至聖所的實際。這就是說,子在父裏面,父在子裏面,而子作爲靈乃是至聖所的實際。這含示並符合約翰十四章十六至二十節的四個『在…裏面』。…子在父裏面,我們在子裏面,子在我們裏面,我們又由實際的靈所內住。這就是經過過程的神與重生信徒的合併。 合併到帳幕裏的路,就是喫隱藏的嗎哪。…舊約裏的帳幕是新耶路撒冷的表號,新耶路撒冷乃稱爲神的帳幕。作爲神的帳幕,新耶路撒冷就是宇宙的合併。這個宇宙的合併是神永遠的目標。新耶路撒冷是神的帳幕,這帳幕的中心乃是基督作爲隱藏的嗎哪給我們喫。進入新耶路撒冷的路就是喫基督。我們越喫基督,就越合併到這宇宙的合併裏。 在別迦摩的召會表徵屬世的召會,就是與世界聯婚、與世界聯合的召會。…主應許在別迦摩召會的得勝者,他們若喫祂,就要合併到宇宙的合併裏,就是終極完成的新耶路撒冷裏。我們不該與世界聯合,乃要藉着喫基督這隱藏的嗎哪而合併到新耶路撒冷裏。(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第五册,四二八至四三○頁。) 參讀:在神聖三一裏並同神聖三一活着,第四、十章。 WEEK 11 — DAY 6 Morning Nourishment Rev. 21:3 …Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them… 22 And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. I have spent more than seventy years studying the Bible, but only very recently did I see that the Bible actually unveils just one thing—the universal incorporation. The purposeful God has an economy, and in His economy He intends to have a universal incorporation. Although we have seen that the New Jerusalem is the goal of God’s economy, we did not see that the New Jerusalem is an incorporation. In Revelation 21:2 the apostle John says, “I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem,” and in the next verse he speaks of the New Jerusalem as “the tabernacle of God.” As the tabernacle of God, the New Jerusalem is God’s dwelling place… [and] the universal incorporation. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory,” pp. 339-340) Todays Reading Manna is a type of Christ as the heavenly food that enables God’s people to go His way. A portion of manna was preserved in a golden pot concealed in the Ark (Exo. 16:32-34; Heb. 9:4). This hidden manna, signifying the hidden Christ, is a special portion reserved for His overcoming believers, who overcome the degradation of the worldly church [Rev. 2:17]. While the church goes the way of the world, these overcomers come forward to abide in the Holy of Holies, where they enjoy the hidden Christ as a special portion for their daily supply. To eat the hidden manna is to be incorporated into the tabernacle. The tabernacle in the Old Testament is a sign of the universal incorporation. Christ as the hidden manna is the center of the tabernacle…The hidden manna, which signifies Christ, is in the golden pot, which refers to God. The manna in the golden pot indicates that Christ is in the Father (John 14:10a, 11a). The Ark is in the Holy of Holies, and the Holy of Holies is our spirit. Today our spirit indwelt by the Holy Spirit is the Holy of Holies. From this we can see that Christ as the hidden manna is in God the Father as the golden pot; that the Father is in Christ as the Ark with His two natures, divinity and humanity; and that this Christ as the indwelling Spirit lives in our regenerated spirit to be the reality of the Holy of Holies. This means that the Son is in the Father, that the Father is in the Son, and that the Son as the Spirit is the reality of the Holy of Holies. This implies and corresponds to the four ins in John 14:16-20…The Son is in the Father, we are in the Son, the Son is in us, and we are indwelt by the Spirit of reality. This is the incorporation of the processed God with the regenerated believers. The way to be incorporated into the tabernacle is to eat the hidden manna…The tabernacle in the Old Testament is a figure of the New Jerusalem, which is called the tabernacle of God. As the tabernacle of God, the New Jerusalem is the universal incorporation. This universal incorporation is God’s eternal goal. The New Jerusalem is the tabernacle of God, and the center of this tabernacle is Christ as the hidden manna for us to eat. The way to be in the New Jerusalem is to eat Christ. The more we eat Christ, the more we are incorporated into this universal incorporation. The church in Pergamos signifies the worldly church, the church that has married the world to be in union with the world…The Lord promised the overcomers in the church in Pergamos that if they ate Him, they would be incorporated into the universal incorporation, the consummated New Jerusalem. We should not be joined to the world; we should be incorporated into the New Jerusalem by eating Christ as the hidden manna. (CWWL, 1994- 1997, vol. 5, “The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory,” pp. 340-341) Further Reading: CWWL, 1988, vol. 1, “Living in and with the Divine Trinity,” chs. 4, 10 |
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