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第十一週■週五 晨興餧養 約十四21『有了我的誡命又遵守的,這人就是愛我的;愛我的必蒙我父愛他,我也要愛他,並且要親自向他顯現。』 十五7『你們若住在我裏面,我的話也住在你們裏面,凡你們所願意的,祈求就給你們成就。』 有基督住在我們裏面,就是有子和父到我們這裏來,同我們安排住處。(約十四23。)…這個住處是相互的住處。祂成爲我們的住處,我們也成爲祂的住處。 因着我們愛子,子和父就到我們這裏來,同我們安排住處。…當我們告訴主耶穌我們愛祂時,我們就感覺祂到我們這裏來,同我們安排住處。我們若忽畧對祂的愛,我們就會失去祂的顯現,祂的顯出。約翰二十一章記載,當彼得和別的門徒去打魚時,他們以爲他們失去了主的同在。…祂雖然與他們同在,但在他們打魚的時候,他們沒有祂的顯現,祂的顯出。我們若說,『主耶穌,我愛你,』我們就不僅有祂與我們同在,我們也有祂向我們顯出,就是祂親自向我們顯現。祂到我們這裏來,同我們安排住處,這就是祂的顯出,祂的顯現。(李常受文集一九八八年第一册,四九七至四九八頁。) 信息選讀 要讓主住在我們裏面,就需要讓祂的話住在我們裏面。主能對我們成爲實際的,惟一可行的路是藉着祂的話。我們是憑藉甚麼聽見福音,而接受主作我們的救主?乃是藉着祂的話。我們接受祂的話,實際上就是接受主自己,因爲主就在祂的話裏,並且祂自己就是話。根據這同樣的原則,我們若要讓主住在我們裏面,就必須讓祂的話住在我們裏面。…讚美主,在我們手中有個非常實在、便利且實際的東西。我們有話。我們可以讀這話,並用我們的心和我們的靈來接受。我們可以在靈裏,天天甚至時時接觸主的話。只要我們接觸主的話,我們就能接觸主自己。 約翰十五章七節的『話』,是雷瑪(rhema),不是婁格斯(logos)。婁格斯是寫出來的話,雷瑪是現時的話,是主此刻爲着某種特別目的,對你所說的話。…我們有婁格斯在我們手中,而我們有雷瑪在我們靈裏。婁格斯是寫出來的話,是永活基督的彰顯;雷瑪是在我們需要的時候,基督的靈在我們裏面所說的話。譬如,也許你正和另一位弟兄交通,你裏面有個東西要你不要再說了。這就是雷瑪。也許你正想到今天要作某件事,但裏面又有個東西對你說不要去作。這也是雷瑪。 我們不該含糊的說我們住在基督裏面,基督也住在我們裏面。我們必須更加精確,曉得我們必須對付兩種話—外面的話與裏面的話;那在我們外面、聖經裏的話,以及在我們裏面、靈裏的話。我們若說我們要住在基督裏面,並且讓基督住在我們裏面,我們就必須對付這兩種話。我們若不領會這兩種不同的話,就不可能保守自己與主接觸,也完全不可能住在主裏面,並且讓主住在我們裏面。因此,我們必須對付外面所寫的話以及裏面活的話;因爲藉着外面所寫的話,我們有這位奧祕之主的解釋、定義和發表;藉着裏面活的話,我們經歷內住的基督,並享有實際之主的同在。(約翰福音生命讀經,四六一至四六二頁。) 參讀:約翰福音生命讀經,第三十二至三十四篇。 WEEK 11 — DAY 5 Morning Nourishment John 14:21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, he is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will manifest Myself to him. 15:7 If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. To have Christ abiding in us is to have the Son and the Father coming to us and making an abode with us (John 14:23)…This abode is a mutual abode. He becomes our abode, and we become His abode. The Son and the Father come to us and make an abode with us because of our loving the Son…When we tell the Lord Jesus that we love Him, we will sense His coming to us and making His abode with us. If we neglect our love toward Him, we will lose His manifestation, His appearing. When Peter and the other disciples went fishing, as recorded in John 21, they thought that they were absent from the Lord…He was with them, but at the time of their fishing they did not have His manifestation, His appearing. If we say, “Lord Jesus, I love You,” we will not only have Him with us but also have Him appearing to us, manifesting Himself to us. His coming to us and making an abode with us is His appearing, His manifestation. (CWWL, 1988, vol. 1, “Living in and with the Divine Trinity,” p. 358) Todays Reading In order for the Lord to abide in us, it is necessary to let His words abide in us. The only possible way for the Lord to be practical to us is by His words. By what means did we hear the gospel and receive the Lord as our Savior? It was by His words. When we received His word, we actually received the Lord Himself because the Lord is in His word, and He Himself is the Word. According to the same principle, if we want to allow the Lord to abide in us, we must let His words abide in us…Praise the Lord that we have something very substantial, available, and practical in our hands. We have the Word. We can read the Word and receive it with our heart and our spirit. We can contact the word of the Lord in our spirit day by day and even moment by moment. As long as we are contacting the Lord’s word, we are contacting the Lord Himself. In John 15:7 the term words in the Greek language is rhema, not logos. Logos is the written word, but rhema is the present word, the word that is spoken to you by the Lord for a particular purpose at that very moment…We have logos in our hands, but we have rhema in our spirit. Logos is the written word as the expression of the living Christ; rhema is the word spoken within us by the Spirit of Christ just at the time we need it. For example, perhaps while you are fellowshipping with another brother, something within tells you to stop talking. This is rhema. Perhaps you are thinking about a certain matter that you want to do today, but again something within you tells you not to do it. This also is rhema. We should not vaguely say that we abide in Christ and that Christ abides in us. We must be more precise and realize that we must deal with two kinds of words—the outward word and the inward word, the word in the Scriptures that is outside of us and the word in the spirit that is within us. If we say that we are going to abide in Christ and let Christ abide in us, certainly we must deal with both kinds of words. If we fail to understand these two different words, it will be impossible to keep ourselves in contact with the Lord, and it will be absolutely impossible for us to abide in the Lord and for the Lord to abide in us. Therefore, we must deal with the written word without and the living word within, because by the written word without we have the explanation, definition, and expression of the mysterious Lord, and by the living word within we have the experience of the abiding Christ and the presence of the practical Lord. (Life-study of John, pp. 411-412) Further Reading: Life-study of John, msgs. 32-34 |
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