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第十週■週六 晨興餧養 約壹三2『親愛的,我們現在是神的兒女,將來如何,還未顯明;但我們曉得祂若顯現,我們必要像祂;因爲我們必要看見祂,正如祂所是的。』 羅八16『那靈自己同我們的靈見證我們是神的兒女。』 14『因爲凡被神的靈引導的,都是神的兒子。』 神人有神聖的權利有分於神的神性,這包括有權利像神。約壹三章二節說,『親愛的,我們現在是神的兒女,將來如何,還未顯明;但我們曉得祂若顯現,我們必要像祂;因爲我們必要看見祂,正如祂所是的。』這清楚啓示,我們要像神,就是有神的樣式。我們不僅要有分於神的生命和性情,也要有神的樣式。有神的樣式乃是莫大的祝福與享受。(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第四册,二七五至二七六頁。) 信息選讀 我們旣是神的兒女,在祂顯現的時候,就必要在生命的成熟上像祂。像祂乃是將來必然的事,〔約壹三2,〕只是這事現在還未顯明。這指明神的兒女大有前途,有更輝煌的福分:我們不僅有神聖的性情,還要有神聖的樣式。有分於神聖的性情,已經是莫大的福分和享受,而像神、有神的樣式,乃是更大的福分和享受。 約壹三章二節的代名詞『祂』指神,也指將要顯現的基督。這不僅指明基督就是神,也含示神聖的三一。當基督顯現時,三一神就要顯現出來;當我們看見祂時,我們就要看見三一神;當我們像祂時,我們就要像三一神。 約翰在二節說,『我們必要像祂;因爲我們必要看見祂,正如祂所是的。』這意思是我們因着看見祂,就返照祂的樣式,(林後三18,)因而使我們與祂所是的一樣。 約壹三章二節指明神的兒女大有前途。我聽過一些聖徒說他們沒有前途,這些聖徒需要明白他們大有前途,有輝煌的福分。『將來如何,還未顯明,』這話指明了我們的前途。我們將來如何,這是神聖的奧祕。因爲是這樣的一個奧祕,所以必定是一件大事。我們無法想像我們的將來究竟如何。我們的將來還未顯明,這事實指明我們的將來是很美妙的。雖然我們將來如何還未顯明,但我們曉得當子顯明的時候,我們必要像三一神。(約翰一書生命讀經,二七三頁。) 最後,神人有神聖的權利成爲神類—神的種類。(約一12,羅八14,16。)我們已經重生成爲神類。我們旣是神的兒子,我們就是神類,是神的種類。 約翰一章十二節說,『凡接受祂的,就是信入祂名的人,祂就賜他們權柄,成爲神的兒女。』我們已經藉着信入主耶穌接受了祂,神也給了我們權柄成爲神的兒女。『那靈自己同我們的靈見證我們是神的兒女。』(羅八16。)這樣的見證,向我們見證並保證,我們是神的兒女,我們有祂的生命。我們需要體驗這點並記住這點。我們無論在那裏,都需要記得我們是神人,有神聖的權利有分於神的神性。(李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第四册,二七六頁。) 參讀:約翰一書生命讀經,第二十六篇;李常受文集一九九四至一九九七年第一册,與全時間受訓者的交通,第一章;羅馬書的結晶,第一篇;神經綸的總綱與神人該有的生活,第四篇。 WEEK 10 — DAY 6 Morning Nourishment 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been manifested what we will be. We know that if He is manifested, we will be like Him because we will see Him even as He is. Rom. 8:16 The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. The God-men’s divine right to participate in God’s divinity includes the right to bear God’s likeness. First John 3:2…clearly reveals that we will bear God’s likeness. We will not only participate in God’s life and nature but will also bear God’s likeness. To bear God’s likeness will be a great blessing and enjoyment. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 4, “Incarnation, Inclusion, and Intensification,” p. 217) Todays Reading Since we are the children of God, we shall be like Him in the maturity of life when He is manifested. To be like Him is “what we will be” [1 John 3:2]. This has not yet been manifested. This indicates that the children of God have a great future with a more splendid blessing. We shall not only have the divine nature but shall also bear the divine likeness. To partake of the divine nature is already a great blessing and enjoyment; yet to be like God, bearing His likeness, will be a greater blessing and enjoyment. The pronoun He in 3:2 refers to God and denotes Christ, who is to be manifested. This not only indicates that Christ is God but also implies the Divine Trinity. When Christ is manifested, the Triune God will be manifested. When we see Him, we shall see the Triune God; and when we are like Him, we shall be like the Triune God. In verse 2 John says, “We will be like Him because we will see Him even as He is.” This means that by seeing Him we shall reflect His likeness (2 Cor. 3:18). This will cause us to be as He is. First John 3:2 indicates that the children of God have a great future. However, I have heard some saints say that they do not have a future. These saints need to realize that they have a great future with splendid blessings. Our future is indicated by the word it has not yet been manifested what we will be. What we shall be is a divine mystery. Because it is such a mystery, it must be something great. We are not able to imagine what our future will be. The fact that our future has not yet been manifested indicates that it will be wonderful. Although it has not been manifested what we shall be, we know that when the Son is manifested, we shall be like the Triune God. (Life-study of 1 John, pp. 225-226) Finally, the God-men have the divine right to be Godkind—God’s species (John 1:12; Rom. 8:14, 16). We have been regenerated to be Godkind. As God’s sons, we are God’s kind, God’s species. John 1:12 says, “As many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of God.” We have received the Lord Jesus by believing into Him, and God has given us the authority, the right, to be God’s children. “The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God” (Rom. 8:16). Such a witnessing testifies to us and assures us that we are children of God, who possess His life. We need to realize this and remember it. Wherever we may be, we need to remember that we are God-men with the divine right to participate in God’s divinity. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 4, “Incarnation, Inclusion, and Intensification,” p. 218) Further Reading: Life-study of 1 John, msg. 26; CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, pp. 35, 37; CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Romans,” ch. 1; CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 1, “A General Outline of God’s Economy and the Proper Living of a God-man: A Fellowship with the Elders from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia,” ch. 4 |
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