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Office job
2012/07/11 10:00:00瀏覽298|回應1|推薦5
I have worked this company for 7 months, 4 people left this company and found another high pay job to go. One 50th Indian man has sick leave for certain period.

I have to back up two people's job until they find someone to replace the positions.

This company is not well organized and people have different rules since they all came from top CPA firms and feel their work product is best so its hard to commit everyone to have a standard rule. Personally I don't like no learing opportunity, but I am happy the pay and the job loads are reasonable compared to my prior company. But I do feel I learned a lot from my prior company and well orgaized office, the only thing I don't like is tooooo many work hours and too stressful.

I think it will be fine to work at this company for a while and think about something different once my kids are in the college.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2012/07/12 09:06

不同公司﹐ 不同工作要求﹐ 加上個人的需要或是想要﹐ 如果能配合得當﹐ 最好﹐ 不能﹐ 也只有衡量﹐ 看那一個最合適目前生活所需。

不少人工作﹐ 是為了收入﹐ 可以支付孩子們的學費。

當然有時﹐ 工作﹐是為了使命感﹐ 一個更高的目標。

Yayawww(yayawww) 於 2012-07-28 21:58 回覆:
Thanks for visiting.

I like to work because I don't like cook all the time and no social life at home.
I also enjoy the work life and earn my own money to spend it.

My husband control all the $, so I don't like to entertain his face and ask for $.
He is cheap at everything except his 3C techonology machine. I always tell him when you were born you didn't bring everything to the world, when you die you won't bring eveything with you to the grave either. Stop buying!!!!