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2021/12/30 17:10:57瀏覽2832|回應0|推薦2 | |
《淚中山河》 Hills and Streams in My Tears 持著照相機 Camera on hand 國籍混雜的遊客們 tourists of motley nationalities 競先拍攝著 strive to capture 故土邊區 the indistinct cloud and fog 縹渺的雲霧 along the border of my homrsoil
而我肅立坡上 yet I stand in reverence up the slope 手中什麼也沒有 hands bare of what-so-ever 我用眼睛拍照 I use my eye to photograph 用淚水沖洗 use my tears to develop 眼裡的山河 the hills and streams in my eyes
原著:莊垂明 Original by Ben Ching 譯文:醺 人 Version by Tipsy Guy
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