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2017武學人文夏季領袖營 Martial Arts Cultural Leadership Camp
2017/06/11 11:43:03瀏覽1021|回應0|推薦0

Martial Arts Cultural Leadership Camp



領袖主題課程:上古文化拳、文化禮儀、戰略桌遊、捏土薪傳、筆墨橫姿、禪纏結繩、兵器博覽、動物拳法 - 鳳凰孔雀君子扇

We invite you to join us to embark on a journey of strength and beauty, full of dignity, literature, and the arts. Through the experience of the martial arts cultural leadership camp and the positive influence of well-rounded Chinese culture, we help learners to develop their self-confidence, bravery, patience, and perseverance; feel the five senses of the body, mind, and soul; know the real self from the depths of one’s heart; and eventually develop charismatic leadership to achieve true self-realization, peace, and profound integrity.



  1. 營隊時間:2017/8/1~8/4(四天)上午08:00~下午18:00

  2. 招生對象:國小一~六年級學生(6~13歲)

  3. 招生名額:12名,依報名先後,額滿為止。

  4. 報到地點:武林文創|武學人文會館(臺北市松山區南京東路五段52號2樓)

  5. 交通方式:捷運南京三民站二號出口,步行3~4分鐘。

  6. 營隊費用:NT. 13,000

  7. 備註說明:營隊費用含營隊期間講師費、助教費、午膳費、材料費,不含晚膳、交通費、住宿及旅遊責任險及意外醫療險。

  8. 主辦單位保有最終修改活動內容之權利,並可依實際情況予以增刪、修訂或變更活動辦法。

  9. 立刻報名:http://www.wulink.com.tw/camp

( 知識學習健康 )
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