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2012/12/02 20:04:16瀏覽176|回應0|推薦10

Life just like the puzzle.

You must collect it, piece by piece.

Maybe you pick up one of them.And you will say "What is this shit?"

But you don't know this little piece what probably become to the great part in your life.

Maybe you think it is not so important.

In the end, you will wonder to know why there is whole mess.

You can't figure out your life's value.

It's ridiculous. Does anything you remain? Does anything is memorable?

In the beginning, everyone will plan it.

No one want their own puzzle is empty.

So don't screw up.

Let your puzzle turn into the great picture ever.

※I apologize for my poor grammar.

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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