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2009/06/23 05:38:35瀏覽919|回應5|推薦13 | |
地上一張報紙, 五彩繽紛的封面照吸引了我的注意, 撿起一看, 標題是, 不為人知的超級食品(Unsung Superfoods), 滿山遍野, 惡名昭彰(to me, at least)的蒲公英(Dandelion)竟名列其中, 看來,以後 可以有採不完的野菜。 蒲公英葉: 春天頭一個來報到的綠色蔬菜。 蒲公英葉, 低卡路里, 高纖維。 這些暗綠色的菜葉有高於哈密瓜的維他命A, 比菠菜更豐富的鈣質。 而且, 還含有鐵, 多種維他命(包括維他命C), 鉀, 葉酸。 味苦, 不宜放入沙拉。 最好與一些味甜的食物同煮, 譬如雞鴨, 義大利麵加番茄。加入堅果和乾果亦可。或與大蒜、胡椒粉同煎炒。 除了藍梅(Blueberry), 菠菜(Spinach), 和花椰菜(Broccoli)等眾所熟悉的蔬果, 其它不為人知的超級食品還包括,卡姆小麥(Kamut), 葡萄柚(Grapefruit), 丹貝(Tempeh),海帶(Seaweed),酪梨(Avocados), 乾梅子(Dried Plums、Prunes), 甜菜根(Beets), 南瓜(Pumpkin), 奇異子(Chia Seeds)。 面對地球環境的持續惡化, 學習野外求生, 末日自救的團體, 愈來愈多。 蒲公英葉, 說不定, 哪天能救了你的命。 發現一個自救網站, 頗有看頭。 http://survivalblog.com/ http://www.forbes.com/2008/10/31/rawles-blogger-survival-tech-personal-cx_bc_1031rawles.html Jim Rawles,自稱“guns-and-groceries”survivalist, 認為求生存分析到最後就是兩件必需品: 一件個人用的濾水系統和三年的食物補給。 三年的食物補給?? 怪怪。 How? 得研究研究。 Jim Rawles, a guns and groceries survivalist ..... survival boiled down two essentials: a personal water filtration system and a three-year food supply. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ One Newspaper lies on the ground. The colorful picture on the cover attracts my eyeballs. Pick up and read, the title named "Unsung Superfoods", dandelion is among them, to my surprise. Gush, this little weed shoot wildly everywhere in the early spring, I got goose bump whenever their hairy seeds spread, fly like group of invasive troop on my lawn. I fight them with torch once, and it works. But probably I should change my strategy. JUST EAT THEM. Dandelion greens: One of the first vegetables to come to the farmers market - and your yard - in the spring, dandelion greens are low in calories and high in fiber. But a serving (1 cup) of these dark, leafy greens also has more vitamin A than a cup of cantaloupe and more calcium than spinach. They are also high in iron, other vitamins(including vitamin C), potassium and folate. When try them, they are somewhat bitter, so you might not want to toss them in salads. Instead, try cooking them with something sweet -- say a chicken or pasta dish with tomatoes -- or adding nuts and dried fruit. Or saute with garlic and pepper. Step aside, blueberries, spinach and broccoli. It's time to give unsung superfoods a chance. Try incorporating these 10 healthful foods into your diet. 1. Kamut 2. Dandelion greens 3. Grapefruit 4. Tempeh 5. Seaweed 6. Avocados 7. Dried Plums (prunes) 8. Beets 9. Pumpkin 10. Chia seeds Don't belittle this unsung weed, it may save your life when the end of the earth's days is around the corner. Check out this survival blog, there are lots lots information. http://survivalblog.com/ http://www.forbes.com/2008/10/31/rawles-blogger-survival-tech-personal-cx_bc_1031rawles.html Jim Rawles, a guns and groceries survivalist ..... survival boiled down two essentials: a personal water filtration system and a three-year food supply. |
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