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預測2009年的代表字 ~~ Part 2 ~~
2008/12/22 03:12:47瀏覽336|回應0|推薦0
十二月十九日野人獻曝預測2009年的代表字, 拙文發表兩天之後, 無獨有偶的, 在太平洋的彼岸, 竟有英雄所見略同. 請注意發文日期, 台灣這邊領先三天. 證明本人見解, 並非閉門造車. 請網友分享.
Biden to oversee efforts aimed at middle class
Sunday December 21, 7:29 am ET
By Kevin Freking, Associated Press Writer
Biden, other Cabinet members to develop ways to strengthen the middle class
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President-elect Joe Biden will oversee a task force that will make recommendations on how to build the ranks of the middle class, that ambiguously defined segment of society in which most Americans identify themselves.
Biden said the task force will include other Cabinet members and it will present President-elect Barack Obama with a package of proposals designed to ensure the middle class is "no longer being left behind."
在此野人獻曝, 願意預測2009年的代表字, 借以拋磚引玉. 這個字是全世界華人的老祖宗, 數千年文化精髓的結晶, 不論正體簡體, 單一寫法, 放諸四海皆準, 過猶不及, 不偏不倚的中庸之道的中字. 歷經數年的亂, 加上能源危機, 金融海嘯, 全世界都得修正施政方向, 往中間中產中道靠攏, 絕對是明智的抉擇.  
( 時事評論政治 )
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