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2010/11/01 00:56:11瀏覽165|回應0|推薦7




       卻也因此認識好多好人,塞翁失馬,還是那句老話: 事情總在不經意時發生意外!即便感冒到現在都還沒好。

        However, to my surprise, that guy appeared in the ceremony. Then I knew the reason that his senior was one of the main characters, too. After the ceremony, I hit him occasionally. Not to mention it, I admitted the mistake I had made first in oder to prevent the embarrassment. And he just looked at me with a smile. When my senior asked me whether leaving the room, I replied," I was waiting for my classmates," without thinking carefully. It seemed we had same frequency because we left there at the same time.

        Therefore, we walked on the same road. And he said,"hello!" to me, starting chatting. Most of the time, we were silent. Something was strange between he and me. I have no idea. But I learned I emphasized every moment with each one, as well as him. And that day just jumps into my memory.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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