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Inflatable sex toys: a few things to know
2021/02/08 21:01:12瀏覽209|回應0|推薦0
Anyone who questions whether many people have actually used sex toys can take it easy with a quick browse of the various items available online or at any of the many sex toy malls around the country.A 2015 study found that sex toy use will grow 40 percent between 2015 and 2020, from $21 billion to $29 billion per year. As long as a man practices proper penis care, luckily, using sex toys shouldn't really be an issue. This gives him the freedom to explore and enjoy the wonderful world of sex toys - including inflatables.
The sex toys most likely to be available in some inflatable form are dolls, anal plugs, dildos, penis rings and toys that mimic a vagina.
-Dolls. When the subject of inflatable sex toys is raised, life-size inflatable dolls are usually the first thing that comes to mind. While there are certainly some male sex dolls, female sex dolls are more popular. Most of these sex toys have openings in the mouth, anus and vagina to allow for penetration of the penis that men prefer.
The use of dolls is largely self-explanatory, but there are a few things guys should know. For example, have lubricant on hand, as the penis skin of many dolls can be a bit rough. Be sure to clean the doll thoroughly after each use. Most dolls come with instructions on the best way to clean them. And, if using a doll that belongs to someone else, be sure to wear a condom - just in case the owner doesn't want to clean herself thoroughly. Also, be aware that many inflatable dolls make the same "squeaking" sound associated with inflatable pool toys - for those concerned about such things, this squeaking sound can make using an inconspicuous doll more difficult.
-Anal plugs. In recent years, inflatable anal plugs have become increasingly popular. As with any anal plug, it is inserted into the anus to provide stimulation. But once in, a person can then manually insert the plug to a larger size. This is especially beneficial for men with particularly tight anal openings. The plug can then be deflated as it is pulled out. Many men report that expandable anal plugs are particularly effective in producing orgasmic prostate stimulation.
-Dildos The dildo operates on the same principle as the expandable anal plug by inserting the dildo into the anus (or vagina for women) and inflating it to a larger size; however, the dildo can also be inflated prior to insertion, if desired.
-Penis ring. As with the anal plug, the expandable penis ring is placed in place (around the base of the penis) prior to inflation. Inflation provides a tighter fit, which can lead to a firmer erection. However, some medical professionals warn against making the fitting too tight or wearing it for too long, so extra care should be taken when using it.
-Vaginal mimicry. Again, an erect penis can be inserted into a mimicked vagina and then the sex toy inflated to make a tight fit. Again, however, men should be careful about over-tightening.
-Although many men find this embarrassing, it is wise to discuss using this method with a doctor before using an inflatable sex toy.
Sometimes the use or overuse of inflatable sex toys can cause penis pain (if happy), so drawer penis health oil should be used regularly (health experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil , which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe on the skin)). If the oil contains moisturizers such as shea butter and vitamin E, it can provide greater soothing effects. In addition, overuse may lead to loss of sensation, so it is recommended that oils with neuroprotective L-carnitine be used to help maintain penile sensitivity.
( 休閒生活生活情報 )
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