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電影: He's just not that into you 他其實沒那麼喜歡妳!
2009/06/17 23:30:15瀏覽617|回應0|推薦0


這部all star movie,請了許多響叮噹的演員演出,劇情我也覺得十分有趣.


女性常常錯誤解讀男性訊息. 就如我們從小常聽到的:打是情罵是愛. 事實上這句話的確是個狗屁,也讓婚姻暴力下的女人不斷給施暴者機會,再三的讓自己受傷害.

還一個觀點也頗有意思的. 幾乎--包括我自己--所有的女人,在聽到好友的感情問題時,好像都一定會說出朋友想聽的答案. 比如:

Q: 他怎麼還沒打電話給我?

A:他一定很忙!  他手機可能沒電!  他可能太喜歡妳怕打給妳被妳拒絕!  他可能出車禍在醫院全身都上滿了石膏!!! (blablablabla....有幾百個理由) 

其實,其實他只是對妳沒那麼有興趣而已. 而我們女人那麼喜歡幫朋友編故事給摸頭答案,大概其實多少也是在安慰自己曾經的失敗,或是,不想去面對他並不那麼喜歡妳的事實.

記得好多年前流行過的Men are from MarsWomen are from Venus,及女性約會聖經The Rules,大概也就有傳遞過相同的訊息:

 一個男人如果對妳有興趣,他會想盡辦法要到妳的電話,再忙也會擠出時間和妳約會(前政務委員朱X鵬就是個絕佳的例子)! 如果妳不再聽到對方的消息,很簡單,他只是對妳沒那麼有興趣而已! 不用再想東想西替對方找一堆騙自己的理由,you move on!

片子的拍攝手法,大剌剌嘲諷的劇本,很有以前我喜歡看的影集Sex and the city的味道. 查了一下,才發現劇本正是根據Sex and the city的主筆所寫的一本暢銷書所改編. 劇裡面雖然用了這麼多大喀,但一點都不會有互相搶戲的感覺,戲份分配很平均. 是部很有都會氣氛的喜劇小品.

不過當初會想看這部電影,只是因為知道Scarlett Johansson有演,看了後才發現原來還有像Ben Affleck,Jennifer Aniston,Jennifer Connelly,Drew Barrymore等一線影星參與. 不管Scartlett演技如何,看著她就是件賞心悅目無比享受的事啊!....身材真的超性感....

引述一段女主角之一Gigi的話,我覺得很讚,女孩子們不妨銘記在心鼓勵自己: Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up. If a guy punches you he likes you. Never try to trim your own bangs and someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. Every movie we see, Every story we're told implores us to wait for it, the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. How to tell from the ones who want us and the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is... just... moving on.

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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