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花博-美術公園區 舞蝶館 (白合戀)
2010/11/27 20:50:07瀏覽507|回應0|推薦0
  • 策展局處:文化局
  • 展演日期:2010/11/6~2011/1/4
  • 展演時間:14:30  16:30  19:00 
  • 展演地點:美術公園區 舞蝶館
  • 展演團體:屏風表演班&原舞者
  • 屏風表演班&原舞者 跨界鉅獻(40分鐘)
  • Performing Group: Ping-Fong Acting Troupe&Formosa Aboriginal Song and Dance Troupe
  • 展演名稱:百合戀
  • Program: THE FIRST LILY --A True Love Story
  • 展演簡介:飄渺的煙霧,籠罩著巨型升降水舞台,瀑布自高空飛瀉而下,一棵棵充氣式的奇花異草,在迷離的光影中彷彿有生命般站立了起來──這裡是幽魅的大鬼湖。新創的柔美古調,穿插著魯凱傳統樂器,以現代編曲概念,重新演繹巴冷公主與百步蛇神在湖邊的美麗邂逅。曼妙的情歌盪漾著湖水的漣漪,台灣山林的原生動物,如黑熊、獼猴、穿山甲、梅花鹿、藍鵲、飛鼠、白鷺鷥等,以讓人驚喜連連的創意造型,一一在湖畔叢林現身,原來,這群動物精靈應百步蛇神的請求,組成一支浩大的迎親隊伍。他們抬著聘禮,載歌載舞,往巴冷公主家走去…… 蛇神答應了頭目嫁女兒的請求,他率領著達得勒部落的勇士與宿敵熊鷹族,展開決戰──勇士們手持華麗的蛇紋盾牌,組成千變萬化的百步蛇陣,他們用生命深處的吶喊,豪邁揮灑著汗水,完全融入史詩格局的壯闊配樂,激昂的戰舞噴發出深蘊在原住民體內的力量。 蛇神凱旋歸來迎親,巴冷公主站上七公尺高的大型鞦韆,在空中擺盪婀娜的軀體,重現魯凱傳統婚禮特有的浪漫儀式。族人抬著花轎,護送巴冷公主一路走到湖畔,巴冷轉頭拜別父母,吟唱出動人的魯凱名曲〈鬼湖之戀〉,在悠婉淒美歌聲中,蛇神與巴冷漸漸沒入湖中,此時,舞台精巧的機關,竟如魔術般在湖邊齊開綻放了千朵百合,像是為這段亙古的愛情祝福……
    Synopsis of The First Lily This story is based on the Rukai legend of Princess Balenge. Great Ghost Lake, which is set deep in the mountains, always veiled in clouds and mist, and surrounded by strange and wonderful flowers, is a holy site for the people of Dadele. The Adisi people have always coveted Great Ghost Lake’s resources, so they wage a war against Dadele. The head of Dadele, Chadulu, leads the warriors of his tribe in a brave struggle but is injured by an eagle’s talon. The next day, his daughter Princess Balenge goes to the lakeshore, at some risk, to gather medicinal herbs for her father, but is attracted by the beautiful sound of the hundred-pace snake god’s flute. The two fall in love at first sight, because the god has transformed himself into a handsome young man, though other people still see him as a gigantic and terrifying hundred-pace snake. The next day, the snake god leads a procession of other snake spirits and various birds and beasts to Dadele in order to ask Chadulu for the Princess’s hand in marriage. Chadulu replies that he hopes the god can help Dadele defeat the Adisi. In the ensuing fierce battle, the snake god shows his might and leads an army of hundred-pace snakes to defeat the Adisi. They also take back the seven-colored glass beads. As promised, Chadulu assents to Princess Balenge’s marriage to the snake god, and a grand marriage ceremony featuring a giant swing is celebrated. After rushing through the ceremony, Princess Balenge’s mother washes the bride’s feet in the foot-washing ceremony and wraps the bride with a cloth signifying chastity, then brings her to the flowery bridal sedan. The tribespeople escort the Princess to the shore of Great Ghost Lake. The Princess turns to bow farewell to her parents, takes the snake god’s hand, and walks into the middle of the lake, where the two gradually sink. At this moment, lilies suddenly grow and bloom all around the lake. The tribespeople, believing these white lilies to be a transformation of Princess Balenge, pluck the flowers and use them to adorn their caps and serve as an eternal reminder of their Princess.
  • 演職員:藝術指導:李國修監 製:孫大川、林佳鋒藝術顧問:懷劭.法努司編 導:黃致凱魯凱族語翻譯暨語言指導:奧威尼•卡露斯製 作 人:江智慧 舞台設計:曾蘇銘燈光設計:劉權富服裝設計:蔡毓芬 音樂設計:張 藝舞蹈設計:布拉瑞揚‧帕格勒法歌唱指導:魏世芬 平面設計:唐聖瀚(北士設計)攝影紀錄:柯曉東舞台監督:林世信演員:懷劭.法努司、瓦旦‧督喜、王宏文、朱雅婷、趙菲芸、于清翰、孔柏元、朱克遠、利錦鴻、李英宏、林伯龍、林姿惠、林筑涵、林源祥、胡政桂、范峻銘、夏國蓉、徐宏愷、張凱文、郭耀仁、陳欣宏、陳建凱、陳述凱、章素琳、黃奕嘉、劉伊倫、潘麗娟、謝慧嫻、羅智琮、嚴志豪、蘇達
  • 展演長度:40分鐘
  • 網站連結:屏風表演班
  • 網站連結:原舞者
  • 舞蝶館上演的《百合戀》,由「屏風表演班」與由臺灣各族原住民年輕人組成的「原舞者」跨界合作演出,改編自魯凱神話「巴冷公主」浪漫優美的人蛇戀傳說,更為臺灣原創神祕魔幻歌舞劇場,除了有巨型升降式水舞台打造出幽魅鬼湖,高聳鞦韆重現魯凱族的獨特儀式,舞台上也將有許多百合花瞬間齊開綻放。


  • 轉載 http://www.2010taipeiexpo.tw/ct.asp?xItem=55655&ctNode=5716&mp=3

  • 轉載 http://beta.2010taipeiexpo.tw/sp.asp?xdurl=Art/content.asp&xItem=49809&CtNode=5756&mp=3

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