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What is a medical thermal imaging camera?
2021/12/21 09:47:59瀏覽131|回應0|推薦0

Medical infrared thermal imaging camera uses medical infrared thermal imaging technology.mdst

Medical infrared thermal imaging technology is a combination of medical technology, infrared camera technology, and computer multimedia technology. It is currently used clinically as an imaging device to record the thermal field of the human body.

As we all know, the human body is a natural biological heating element. Due to the difference in anatomical structure, tissue metabolism, blood circulation and nerve status, the temperature of various parts of the body will also be different, thus forming different thermal fields.

The infrared thermal imager filters and collects the far-infrared light waves radiated by the human body through an optical electronic system, modulates the photoelectric conversion into electrical signals, and converts them into digital quantities by A/D, and then uses multimedia image processing technology to display in the form of color heat maps The temperature field of the human body.

According to big data statistics, a normal body state has a normal heat map. Abnormal body conditions will have an abnormal heat map, compare the similarities and differences between the two, and then use clinical diagnosis to infer the nature and extent of the disease.


What is the role of medical infrared thermal imaging cameras

Application of Medical Infrared Thermal Imager 

The working principle of medical infrared camera 

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