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What is the display principle of TFT LCD
2021/12/17 11:59:21瀏覽81|回應0|推薦0

How is TFT LCD image produced? The basic principle is very simple: the display screen is composed of many pixels that can emit light of any color, and the purpose can be achieved by controlling each pixel to display the corresponding color. In TFT LCD, backlight technology is generally used 。tft lcd module,In order to accurately control the color and brightness of each pixel, it is necessary to install a shutter-like switch after each pixel. When the "blinds" are opened, light can pass through, and " When the shutters are closed, light cannot pass through.

Of course, technically, it is not as simple as it is said. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) uses the characteristics of liquid crystals (liquid when heated, and crystallized into solid when cooled),

There are generally three forms of liquid crystals:

Smectic liquid crystal similar to clay

Nematic liquid crystal resembling a fine matchstick

Cholestic liquid crystal 


What does tft liquid crystal display module mean

What are the advantages and disadvantages of TFT screens?

What are the characteristics of TFT LCD

( 興趣嗜好電玩動漫 )
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