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Two-color silicone injection molding process characteristics
2021/12/29 10:08:32瀏覽132|回應0|推薦0

The two-color injection molding machine is composed of two sets of plastic injection devices with exactly the same structure and specifications. The nozzle should adopt a special structure according to the production method, or be equipped with two sets of forming molds with the same structure, rotatable and interchangeable liquid silicone products. When plasticizing injection, the process parameters such as melt temperature, injection pressure, and injection melt volume in the two groups of plasticizing injection devices are required to be the same, and the fluctuation of the process parameters in the two sets of devices should be minimized.

Compared with ordinary injection molded plastic products, two-color injection molded plastic products have higher values of melt temperature and injection pressure during injection. The main reason is that the runner in the two-color injection molding is relatively long, the structure is relatively complex, and the injection melt flow resistance is relatively large.

In the injection molding of two-color plastic products, in order to make the two melts of different colors fuse well in the mold during molding and ensure the molding quality of the injection molded product, a higher melt temperature and a higher mold temperature should be used. . use. , Higher injection pressure and injection speed.

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