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Is there no trees on the stone paper? How long can it be used?
2022/01/06 10:25:06瀏覽90|回應0|推薦0

In the process of creating rock paper, no trees were cut down. The paper for substitute products is free, and there is no shrub at all! Stone paper is not real paper. However, due to the relevant physical appearance in the document and the exact same scope of application, this product is called natural stone paper. .stone paper And because it does not cut trees, it is indeed more environmentally friendly than cellulose paper.

The important advantage of stone paper is that it does not turn yellow. Even if chlorine bleach is not used, it is actually still white. Humidity will not damage the content. Therefore, in theory, the "paper" can be stored forever. Unless directly exposed to the sun, the stone paper will decompose in the sun for a long time.

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