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How to choose the right earphones for you
2022/01/12 16:57:31瀏覽242|回應0|推薦0

Everyone has their own criteria for choosing headphones. But with the rapid advancement of technology now, there are more and more new categories of headphones. Over Ear Active Noise Cancelling Headphones,Now let's talk about how to choose the right earphones!

Sporty bodybuilders:

Sports earphones are naturally light and comfortable. The lighter materials are titanium-nickel memory alloy and plastic silicone. These two types of materials are lighter and have better flexibility, which is easy to store and will not bring you any exercise burden.

Daily entertainment:

In daily life, who would not have a little entertainment hobby of their own? Then choose headphones with better noise isolation.

Commuter business class:

For business people or taxi drivers who have to drive to work every day, it is indispensable when they need to navigate and listen to voice. At this time, you need to choose a mono Bluetooth headset with clear calls. The advantage of a single-sided Bluetooth headset is that it can monitor the sound of the surrounding environment on the basis of ensuring clear listening.


Active Disturbance Cancelling Headsets for that audience

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