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2010/08/11 16:30:00瀏覽596|回應0|推薦2


Abraham  who   is   the   father   of   us  all  in  the  sight  of   god  whom  he  believed   who  gives   life   to   the  dead  and  calls the  things  not being  亞伯拉罕經歷神是稱無為有的一位.藉著以撒的出生,亞伯拉罕這樣經歷了神.藉著以撒的復活,亞伯拉罕經歷神是叫死人復活的神,亞伯拉罕獻上一個以撒,但他得回千萬個後裔.這些後裔形成一個國一以色列,目的為著施行神的管治權.所以,亞伯拉罕成了父,不僅是單個以撒的父,也是團體,千萬後裔的父.

Abraham experienced  God  as tre One who clls the things not being By the birth of lsaac Abraham experieced God in this way Furthemore by the birth of laaac Abraham God as one who gives life to the dead Abraham offered one lsaac but he received thousands of descendants in retum these descendants formed  the Kingom the nation of lsrael for the purpose of exercising Gods domimion Therefore  Abraham became the father not only of an indivvidual lsaac but of the corporate thousands of  descendants


( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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