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讓麥可...埋在他生前最愛的「夢幻莊園」吧 -- To: 凱薩琳
2009/07/22 10:06:46瀏覽632|回應7|推薦5
麥可媽媽 不讓兒子下葬夢幻莊園  
因為 2005年的官司之後,那裏成了麥可的傷心地,......
雖然如此  但麥可傑克森 當年在身心極端痛苦下 仍然未變更遺囑
麥可希望埋在他生前最愛的「夢幻莊園」--- 這是麥可的遺願

而且當年誣告者 已出面道歉  



與粉絲 及世界兒童們長伴   成為比得潘天使


親愛的麥可...讓粉絲 及世界兒童們   唱歌給您聽好嗎


有誰懂得翻成英文  請將此心聲  儘快 傳遞給麥可媽媽 凱薩琳好嗎

以下是 麥可的歌  History 部份歌詞:

Don't let no one get you down 別被任何人擊垮
Keep movin' on higher ground 攀登更高的巔峰
Keep flying until 努力展翅去飛翔
You are the king of the hill 直到屹立山之巔
No force of nature can break 自然的力量無法抵擋
Your will to self motivate 你那自強不息的信念

麥可媽媽 不讓兒子下葬夢幻莊園




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what ever happens
2009/08/30 01:25
what ever happens
dont let go of my hand. im so sad.. rest in peace michael you will be missed...

we can make Neverland beautiful again
2009/08/30 01:12
Michael's Neverland ranch was a loverly place where ill children could have fun. It's such a shame what happened to it if all Michael Jacksons fan's work together we can make Neverland beautiful like it once was. This is a dream we can make it come true just like Michael did. I love you to bits Michael god bless you. now you can rest in peace i love you. 9524

What a loss!
2009/08/30 01:05
"Dancing on a cloud, soaring up so high
Watch me now... watch me fly
I'm Peter Pan!"
--Michael Joseph Jackson

What a man! What a soul! What a loss!
Love him till the moment of my... and he would be the first soul I wish to meet in heaven...

im with you..
2009/08/30 00:19
they ruined michael jackson life i hate them all..michael deserves everything..everything and those who judge him dont deserve to live a happy life..
michael wherever you are im with you..

should keep hes park
2009/08/30 00:05
i think that they should keep hes park and let people buy cheap tickets to take a tour at the Neverland. And have some of his stuff on display. Who thinks that say something!

make neverland as a mueseum for fans
2009/08/06 03:26
I reckon they should make neverland as a mueseum for fans and people to go have a look inside and leave all his stuff in there !!!! RIP MICHAEL MISS AND LOVE YOU HEAPS !!!! oxoxoxoxxoxox

2009/07/22 10:47

我跟你一樣...所有關MJ的新聞我都不想看了~我現在覺得那都是假的~心情都好不起來...像我那天無意看到一句話..執刀者,殺人一時..執筆者,毀人一世...很實際.. 我活在自己的世界..我相信MJ還活著啦~他還是住在夢幻莊園啊~不管如何~我都當他在等我們去找他玩~至少他不用面對閒言閒語了...是這樣吧...