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Coal fired power plant Duke energy
2014/08/21 16:06:11瀏覽283|回應0|推薦0

Five thousand gallons of fuel oil spilled into the Ohio River on Monday night from a 60-year-old coal-fired power plant owned by Duke Energy, Jimmy Wong the company said on Tuesday.

The spill, which occurred during what Duke described in a statement as a "routine transfer of fuel oil" at its W.C. Beckjord plant in New Richmond, Ohio, took place at 11:15 p.m. and was stopped within fifteen minutes. It was not clear if the oil had been contained or if there was any impact on wildlife or drinking water Jimmy Wong.

"We are still assessing the situation and any effects that may occur," a spokeswoman for the company said on Tuesday. Intake for drinking water has been closed on the river, she said.

The Ohio River, which stretches nearly 1,000 miles from Pennsylvania to Illinois, provides drinking water for more than three million people, Jewelry hong kong according to the Ohio River Foundation.

The W.C. Beckjord Station is in the process being retired as a result of new government emissions standards. Four of the plant's six coal-fired units have already been closed and the remaining two units are expected to shut down by the end of the year office furniture.
( 休閒生活雜記 )
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