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2016.10 - Taiwan Trip
2016/10/08 11:33:25瀏覽230|回應0|推薦0


2016.10.02 - People say this is the largest buffet in Taiwan

(about 9 basketball courts size)

One day tour near Taipei city

Flower clock

Volcano - the smoke is Sulfur

North Shore

Noble Steak House

Taichung Trip

Mirror House

Gao-mei Wetlands - 高美濕地

Dong Shih Forest Garden

Hotpot all you can eat

Taitung trip

Luminous hotspring Resort

DuoLiang train station(多良車站) - Trains do not stop here

DongLi Station

Tropic of Cancer

Da Nong Da Fu Forest Park

Terrace of the three Immortals - 三仙台

Brown Boulevard

The Birth place of Taiwan Baseball era

( 休閒生活美食 )
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