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憂原廠藥退場潮 藥師籲仿美自付差額
2024/09/20 05:55:28瀏覽393|回應0|推薦4

憂原廠藥退場潮 藥師籲仿美自付差額 中時 鄭郁蓁、林周義

降血壓藥「Aprovel安普諾維膜衣錠150毫克」將退出台灣,藥師直言,這恐怕只是原廠藥撤離國內市場的前奏,若政府持續砍藥價、一味鼓勵開立學名藥,恐怕會「劣幣驅逐良幣」,導致原廠藥大舉退出,呼籲政府盡快檢討藥品核價制度,比照美國做法,若民眾想用原廠藥,可自行負擔藥價差額。 「有競爭才有進步!」







Anne Murray - Snowbird (with lyrics)

Beneath this snowy mantle cold and clean

The unborn grass lies waiting

For its coat to turn to green

The snowbird sings the song he always sings

And speaks to me of flowers

That will bloom again in spring

When I was young my heart was young then too

Anything that it would tell me

Thats the thing that I would do

But now I feel such emptiness within

For the thing that I want most in lifes

The thing thing that I cant win

Spread your tiny wings and fly away

And take the snow back with you

Where it came from on that day

And if I could you know that I would

Fly away with you

The breeze along the river seems to say

That hell only break me heart again

Should I decide to stay

So little snowbird take me with you

When you go

To that land of gentle breezes

Where the peaceful waters flow

Spread your tiny wings and fly away

And take the snow back with you

Where it came from on that day

The one I love forever is untrue

And if I could you know that I would

Fly away with you


( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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