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2007/03/24 15:34:13瀏覽601|回應10|推薦25 | |
1.Eva Lo: ............都是這篇文章害的啦~~ 我上肚皮舞課已有一年多,從來沒想過這種大耳環的問題 自從看完這篇文章,每次上課時我都會忍不住偷看一下別人的〔大耳環〕 看一下全班的大耳環一起晃動的畫面 2.稀有動物: ............為什麼不是智商而是心跳 180 ?? 不知妳是否知曉肚皮舞的起源及當初的功用? 它是十足為滿足痴肥男仕而應運而生的. 不過'英雄不怕出身低',以藝術眼光看待,它是值得欣賞的. 男人打娘胎出生後,第一個接触的女體部位就是胸部,(至少吾輩如是) 所以對它深情款款、至死不渝也是情理之內. 縱情跳吧,管他們眼光往哪瞧,只要能被感動就夠了. 3.Eva Lo: ............推廣一下 肚皮舞真的是一種藝術,並不如外人所想得那樣,只是為了滿足男性而設計的一種舞蹈。 其實肚皮舞發展到當代,已經成為一各技術和情感的結合。它的服裝之所以那麼暴露,大半的因素是為了讓舞者的動作能讓大家看得清楚一點。必竟所謂肚皮舞,就是要看肚皮上的真功夫。 我們若是想想國標舞中的拉丁,森巴,探戈等舞步也都是熱情性感,在服裝上也是以舞蹈的方便性為考量。然而人們就不會以有色眼光去看待這些舞者。肚皮舞在練習時的困難度並不亞於國標或芭蕾舞,上課時對整體藝術的要求也是極為嚴謹的。 雖然口頭上開開玩笑,但我倒是很認真地看待這一種表演藝術呢! 加上這種舞蹈運動量大,對於身體健康很有幫助哦 4.挽淚: 肚皮舞不是給男性娛樂的舞蹈,在土耳其奧圖曼帝國之前,是女性相互彼此在情感上的聯繫與祝福之間的舞蹈。 最初的一開始是為寺廟裡的宗教性舞蹈,後為女子聚會時的儀式或娛樂,如生產時為解除產痛、難產時女性親友的祈求之舞,或婚禮前女性親友為新娘的祈福,等等,這些場合往往是男賓止步的。 所以囉!肚皮舞是讓女性之間欣賞的舞蹈... 當然稀有動物也是可以跳的哦!對減肚肚和讓你的臀部up up很有幫助吶!穿衣服更有型哦! 因為在下我可學了快1年了!而且也有男性在學哦!嘗新是件好事...何不去試看看,活動筋骨吶!哈哈 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ......已忘了由何處吸收的訊息,總以為肚皮舞的由來是因為在古代印度及中東地區,很多王親貴族(如蘇丹王)們個個養尊處优,不事勞動,彌勒佛肚是共同的標誌及縱慾的阻礙,因此妻妾們為取悅主人而學習(最原始型態的)肚皮舞,這種特殊肢体動作,上得殿堂是舞蹈,上得牙床是技巧,能激起並滿足男人的慾望,(想像肥男大字展開,而女子以其靈動的腹部貼身為其按摩的景象;稀有高度懷疑泰國浴就是當年肚皮舞的翻版)..所以才有上面的回應. ......待看到兩位現代蘇小妹的回應,讓我好奇心油然而生,她們為何會去學習它?是我對它認知錯誤,還是跟不上潮流. ......上網查肚皮舞起源資料,貼上較具代表性的四篇,不想細看可直接跳到中文總結部分. 1.About Belly dance Belly dance is an ancient and beautiful form of dance. The exact origins of Belly Dance as it is today are not known yet and are very hard to conclude as there are historical records of it being practiced in many places and cultures through history including Egypt, Turkey (Ottoman empire), Greece, Africa, India and others, dating back to the early Roman era and Ancient Egypt. But it is known to have been danced in spiritual practices, celebrations and communal bonding, entertainment, physical education and simply for enjoyment. Because its origins are a mixture of religious rituals, social celebrations and the fantasy of the women in the harem dancing to seduce the sultan, belly dance is both very spiritual and sensual, practicing it helps bring mind body and spirit together. 2.Origins of Belly dance There are many theories about where, and when, belly dancing was first performed. Some point to a gradual evolution, stemming from the ancient dancing traditions of India and the Middle East... Others assert that the contemporary forms of belly dancing are all descendants of an ancient form, associated with fertility cults in the Middle East. These fertility cults usually connect belly dancing back to communal worshipping of a 'Mother Goddess' - where there were temple prostitutes and sacred dancers/dances; in other words, fertility, as expressed or symbolized through sex and dancing, was sacred. It was a gift from the 'Mother Goddess' - to be honored through ritualized dances. Belly dancing seems to have passed through many cultures - so that one can see many intercultural influences on it, today. For example belly dancing could be said to have roots in the Greek, Indian, Syrian, Nubian, Phoenician, Bedouin, Libyan, Persian, Assyrian, Turkish, and Egyptian cultures (in terms of rhythm, movements, dress, and adornments). I have not been able to find one source claiming to know, with no doubt whatsoever, where and when belly dancing evolved. Most sources are somewhat vague, such as Orecklin, "... it was probably first performed in the Middle East, then spread through that region and North Africa. The term belly dancing is a misnomer adopted in the West in the 19th century: in ancient Middle Eastern societies, women would have been forbidden to show their midriffs. Most modern practitioners contend that belly dancing was designed not for sexual enticement but as a fertility ritual or for birthing ceremonies for and among women." Sheila Nopper says something very similar, "Belly dancing, as it is generally called in North America, has its roots in one of the oldest dance forms in the world. It is widely believed to have been conceived by women in India and the Middle East as a collaborative ritual to help ease the pain and facilitate the process of giving birth." It is interesting to note that belly dancing in the Middle East, traditionally, was not sexual at all (or not to the extent that it is in contemporary America). It was performed by women only in the presence of women - with the aforementioned goal of preparing for childbirth. Many sources, in addition to Nopper, say the exact same thing: belly dancing was something that physically was supposed to help mothers give birth. so and so claim that contemporary le mas classes have movements incredibly similar to traditional belly dancing moves can be seen in contemporary le maas classes. Isolating chest, waist, and hip movements are common - but each requires a strong center ~strong stomach muscles. There is an obvious physical emphasis placed on the abs, while dancing. I think it's interesting that this focus extends itself to the cultural symbolism related to belly dancing. In Turkey, Egypt, and Morocco (at least), it is typical to have a belly dancer perform at weddings; in addition, the bride usually places her hand on the belly dancer's stomach, at some point, to ensure a fertile marriage. This where the symbolic, religious, and spiritual associations with the female body come into play. 3.Belly Dance and spirituality Looking at belly dance and spirituality, in my opinion, requires that one look specifically at the female body, sexuality, spirituality, and movement/dance. One must look at the intersections between sexuality, emotions, and spirituality; furthermore, one must think about how each of these is related to the body - specifically, the female body. I have found several thinkers/writers arguing that belly dance is in fact an intersection of feminine sexuality, spirituality, and physical form. It is definitely true that belly dancing is made for the female body. "Banish the image of nubile harem girls undulating under an Arabian moon for the amusement of sheiks. Envision instead women of expanding waistlines and advancing ages finding their inner goddess under fluorescent lights at the local Y" (Orecklin 1) "While definitions of feminity vary from culture to culture, belly dancing breaks a particularly Western taboo that is in part a product of the biblical concept of original sin. 'There's an underlying belief in our culture that spirit and flesh are too different things,' says Simmons. Yet, her own experience with belly dancing contradicted that assumption. 'Philosophically. I understood the idea that physical expression is sacred. But with belly dancing, I actually felt it on a visceral level and experienced the sanctity of my body and the way sexuality ties into that." (Orecklin) So - this is a new take on spirituality ~ spirituality is now sexual, in addition to emotional. Perhaps the point is that human beings are emotional, sexual beings - so that all projects of our selves, our beliefs, our communions will, inherently, be emotional and sexual; this includes spirituality. Therefore the relationship between body and spirit; body and mind; spirit and sexuality is very important. Denying one affects the other. Orecklin is implying that belly dancing unites the two: a spiritual experience that uses the body. This, as she says, contradicts the traditional Western belief that the body, spirit, and soul are seperate entities: to connect the body and soul is to sully the spirit, which, vaguely, is sinful. Perhaps that is why modern America - whose culture seems so very protestant by nature - is intrigued and taken by the Eastern practices which unite the spirit and body as a way of living. Personally, I think that the body and the spirit are closely entwined; I think that this is why at any celebration or 'party' where humans come together, there is music and dancing. It is a way of communing, and of sharing joy, happiness, relaxation, relief, attraction, etc. I feel like dance expresses both the body and the spirit; Orecklin seems to think that belly dance, as an experience, does the same thing. 4. It is very difficult to say the exact time and location belly dance originated in history for it is a hybrid art form influenced by many cultures and interpreted by different traditions. Most of the Middle Eastern and Mediterranean countries wish to lay claim to the origins of belly dance but this is difficult to prove since there is almost no historical record of the dance until the 14th century. There are, however, ancient statuettes and drawings that point to ancient roots in pagan worship of the Earth Mother Goddess or some fertility deity. Belly dance, or raks al sharqi, the “dance of the East”, has influenced and been influenced by numerous types of dances, including the Spanish flamenco. The dance has gone from a sacred fertility ritual, to a practice performed only by women in the seclusion of their own homes, to an entertaining cabaret adopted by women around the world. 上四篇重點是說 1. 肚皮舞淵遠流長,在埃及、希臘、土耳其、印度,甚至非洲等地都有流傳,雖然大家都想主張是起源地,但真象因缺乏文字記錄而不可考証. 2. 現在的肚皮舞已非原創,而是融入很多不同民族、不同種類的舞蹈型式而成.包括Greek, Indian, Syrian, Nubian, Phoenician, Bedouin, Libyan, Persian, Assyrian, Turkish, and Egyptian等等,甚至’夜半歌聲’學的佛朗明哥舞也在內. 3. 肚皮舞結合女性..身..心..靈..於一體,使女性更加自信.且該舞蹈已由私密臥室走入大眾表演廳堂. 4. 參考Eva 及挽淚的回應部分. 稀有要特別指出,很多文章皆強調 ~~似乎不像人們一般所認為與性有高度相關,~~~ 此點頗堪玩味,由於這些作者多為肚皮舞教學單位或個人,所以為其’正名’、’擺脫情色’不遺餘力,也在情理之中..其實,就像稀有在回應中說的'英雄不怕出身低',重要的是如今,經過多代舞者的努力,它已成一個令全球女性趨之若騖的時尚. ......其次,很訝異發現台灣的學習者竟如此多,且多為大學在校生及職業婦女.而且已有國際性比賽定期在台舉行.也許哪天,兩位蘇小妹會為爭奪冠亞軍而同台軋舞耶. ------------------------ 主文完 ------------------------------ ......以上研究心得,呈予網友分享.並再感謝 Eva Lo 、 挽淚 及 夜半歌聲 給予之靈感及研究動力. |
( 心情隨筆|男女話題 ) |