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Book I read
2021/08/12 16:18:07瀏覽37|回應0|推薦0
I well remember reading Peyton Place under my covers with a flashlight. I was eleven when it was first published. As much as certain scenes in this book embarrassed me I simply couldn’t put it down. Scandalous huh?

The next erotic book I read, if that is the correct term to use was Lady Chatterley’s lover by DH Lawrence. Whew! That particular work was privately published back in 1928 but published for the general public in 1960 after an obscenity trial in England. At 15 I no longer hid under my covers.

Oliver Mellors was the original hottie in my mind in those days and being a fan of the actor Sean Bean, when the book was filmed as a mini-series in 1993 and put on VHS, I purchased it. Now I have to keep my old VCR in order to view it from time to time.
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