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2021/11/06 21:02:12瀏覽1027|回應0|推薦10 | |
清朝禁烟的道光聖旨(1830) 奉天承運 皇帝詔曰: 英夷入犯吾南海口岸 其地之民乃處水深火熱之中 商賈亦有所損爾 尤為甚者毒品之害 尤為甚也有損大清之威耳 故欽命林則徐入兩廣及口岸 查外夷之滋事者 立究不怠 尤對涉毒品者 以大清律究除不怠 其貨收入國庫 以示懲之 欽 此 道光十年九月十日(1830) =================== 英文翻譯 The Imperial Edict of Emperor Daoguang In the name of God and under the wills of Heaven The imperial edict is issued below: Barbaric Britain has invaded the harbors at our South China sea People there are in deep water and under dumpster fires That has caused damages in the commodities market The harm by drugs is particularly serious Even more harm to the creditability of great China I hence appoint Lin Zexu entering two Guang states and harbors Investigate all barbaric foreigners who involved illegal activities And prosecute them without hesitation Those drug dealers, in particular Must be punished based on the law of Great China All their illegal merchandises must be confiscated So let the verdict of guilty known by public By the Emperor Daoguang 10.9.10 (1830) ============== JSLieh, 2021.11.06 ============== 【註】詔書頒發約10年後(1840年),一個自稱是基督教國家的英國佬,竟然為了販賣鴉片毒品,盜取不義之財向清政府開戰,一個不可饒恕、毒害中國人的不義之戰就這樣開始了!
第一次鴉片戰爭 https://baike.baidu.hk/item/%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E6%AC%A1%E9%B4%89%E7%89%87%E6%88%B0%E7%88%AD/880169 第二次鴉片戰爭 https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E6%AC%A1%E9%B8%A6%E7%89%87%E6%88%98%E4%BA%89 訪談:鴉片戰爭的起源和影響 https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20180704/opium-war-book-china-britain/zh-hant/ 圖下載自網路 |
( 時事評論|雜論 ) |