《彖》曰:「大哉乾元!萬物資始,乃統天。雲行雨施,品物流形,大明終始,六位時成,時乘六龍,以御天。乾道變化,各正性命。保合大和,乃利貞。首出庶物,萬國咸寧。」 《彖》解釋說:天道從一開始就多麼偉大呀!萬物被祂創造和養育起來,所以天是萬物的根基和中心。雲層運行而雨水下降,各類物品流通且各有其型,偉大之光始終都照亮著,六個相位適時成立,造物主乘坐六龍以統御天下。天道按萬物之需求而變化所以能孕育所有的生命。保守那太初的柔和之氣,才能達到順利(仁慈)和忠貞(正道)之境。如果讓庶民和萬物都能各取所需彼此融合,萬國就會安寧。 The book “Tuàn” illustrates:How great was Heaven since beginning, all things were created and nurtured by Him thus Heaven is the foundation and center. Clouds fly causing rains to fall, all goods and products and their logistics were formed, the great light keeps shining, six phases were established, the creator was riding on six dragons to reign the universe. Heaven provides all necessary varieties in order to support lives. Keep the greatest harmonic nature so as to reach the point of well-being (benevolence) and allegiance (righteousness). If all people and lives are provided with what they need in harmony, all nations will be in peace.