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2008/05/20 21:18:45瀏覽619|回應0|推薦0 | |
Milarepa Update 密勒日巴影片最新消息 Submitted by milarepa on Sun, 04/27/2008 - 07:39. 密勒日巴影片工作小組 2008/4/27 -------------------------- Dear Friends, 各位親愛的朋友 With much to our excitement the DVD version of the film will be released this fall 2008 by Cinequest, our US distributor. The DVD will also have a companion DVD, "Teachings on Milarepa", which contains over 3 hours of talks and teachings about Milarepa by some of the best-known living lamas and teachers. 我們很開心要告訴您,「密勒日巴:首部曲」影片 DVD 英文版將在 2008 年秋天由我們的美國總經銷 Cinequest 公司發行。除了影片本身之外,還附帶一張有關密勒日巴尊者生平的教導 DVD,收錄一些當代著名上師的開示,共有三小時。 Also; for those interested in purchasing our soundtrack please visit Lakeshore Records' website www.lakeshore-records.com if you would like to purchase the soundtrack. Those just interested in few track(s) should look us up on Itunes or Amazon. 對於原聲帶有興趣的朋友,則可由這個網站訂購:www.lakeshore-records.com,或是從 Itunes 或 Amazon 選購其中的單曲。 Once again thank you for all the support we could not have made this far without all the help we received! 我們再次感謝各方的支持,有你們的幫助,我們才能完成這些! Milarepa Team 密勒日巴影片工作小組 敬上 |
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