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2006/07/26 13:40:40瀏覽176|回應0|推薦2 | |
玩政治的人, 不論真心或假意, 總該說些人民的貼心話. 可是, 您最近聽過台灣那個政客說過類似下面的話呢 (真心或假意皆可)?"America needs to work for everyone, not just the privileged and the powerful," Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said=====Hillary Clinton: 'It's the American dream, stupid'Says Dems should rally around 'middle class values agenda'From Sasha Johnson Tuesday, July 25, 2006; Posted: 10:24 p.m. EDT (02:24 GMT) U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton addresses the Democratic Leadership Council on Monday. DENVER, Colorado (CNN) -- Wary of losing an opportunity to regain control of Congress this fall, some Democrats are hoping a return to the "middle class values agenda" will help focus the party's fall message and capitalize on a tough political environment for Republicans. "America needs to work for everyone, not just the privileged and the powerful," Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday at the Democratic Leadership Council's 10th annual "National Conversation" in Denver. "Democrats can be the change agents our country needs." http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/07/25/hillary.clinton/index.html |
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