^_* |
2010/02/05 07:37 |
是誰撈起說不透的早霞 是誰醉飲一輪沉重夕陽 不眠的月亮 恁麼濕了柔腸 親愛的人呀! 你可曾在雨中 吻過那雙期盼 可曾將秋天的黃昏緊緊地栓 可曉得亂紅無數的蝶兒 可是深情款款呢! 但願莫忘合歡扇 扇扇似新月 彎彎娟娟 我悄悄寄語雙飛燕 把春衣裳裁剪 為你披上肩 莫又寂寞看風絮 就只會無數彩箋 忘了細細聽 鶯燕語間關 凝眸處都是我的柔語寒喧 ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ Amand 2010/02/04
澗 泉(sinyee26) 於 2010-02-06 01:00 回覆: |
After approaching you, is not willing to depart again, every day wants to touch your heart,supports you to enter the bosom, looks at the setting sun, counts the stars,and kiss your heart to love you lightly for a lifetime ~ your sinyee