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波士頓廣場飯店橡樹屋餐廳Oak Room~下午茶很享受
2014/03/18 13:50:49瀏覽2677|回應0|推薦34

波士頓後灣區Back bay卡布里廣場Copley Square中,中世紀風格拜占庭式的三一教堂(Trinity Church)和彷若玻璃帷幕的約翰. 漢考克大樓(John Hancock Tower)真是古典和現代的絕配。



公共圖書館(Public library)外觀宏偉莊嚴,內部富麗堂皇,氣氛優雅寧靜,還有很多精緻壁畫及藝術品與古書,真是深具藝術與歷史價值;


旁邊的廣場飯店(Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel )1912年所建的古典建築物;

1941年時亨德森買下了波士頓有名的卡布里廣場飯店(Copley Plaza)。

惠蒙特卡布里廣場飯店(Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel~

位於The Fairmont Copely Plaza 飯店內的橡樹屋餐廳(Oak Room)

2009shine波士頓自助旅遊,來到卡布里廣場Coply Square,我們進去飯店裡的餐廳(Oak Room)享用下午茶;

橡樹屋Oak Room提供的是傳統式的牛排餐。

Oak Room得獎紀錄很輝煌~

"Wheres the Beef?" Boston s Choice Awards 2006

"Best Martini Menu," Improper Bostonian, 2006
“Best Classic Cocktail, Martini” and “Best Bar, Hotel,” Boston Magazine’s Best of Boston 2004
“Best Martini,” The Improper Bostonian’s Boston’s Best 2004
“Sexiest Hotel Bar for a Rendezvous,” Victoria’s Secret What is Sexy in Boston, 2004
“Sexiest Location for a Wedding,” Victoria’s Secret What is Sexy in Boston 2004
Four Diamond Rating from the Automobile Association of America, 1997 – 2007
Listed as a Top Steakhouse and Top Romantic Restaurant and for Top Décor and Top Service , Zagat Survey, 1999 - 2003

“Best Steakhouse,” Boston Magazine’s Best of Boston 2003

“Best Hotel Bar,” Boston Magazine’s Best of Boston 2003

“Planner’s Choice Award,” Meeting News, 2003

“Best Bar, Upscale,” Boston Magazine’s Best of Boston 2002

“Most Romantic Bar,” The Improper Bostonian’s Boston ’s Best 2002





挑高的雕花天花板裝飾著2大盞奢華的Waterford 的水晶吊燈,襯托深色木頭鑲板和大型鏡面。


波士頓廣場飯店OAK BAR的下午茶讓shine感覺又奢華又享受ㄝ!



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