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Got the Bridal bouquet
2013/11/02 23:37:26瀏覽112|回應0|推薦0

I was very surprised when I got the bridal bouquet.
The game was like a lucky draw.
I didn't even try to pull the line in my hand.
But in the end, I was the one who won the bouquet.
How beautiful the flowers are....
No wonder people said I looked shocked and a bit embarrased.
Don't know if the magic will work on me or not.
That's what I was thinking at that time.

Now I'm home alreay.
Two hours ago I was still in Mon's car.
It was a great trip when friends and food come together.

I found that I could not stop thinking about how do I look in the photo.
How pathetic I am.
Maybe I was too nervous when took pictures with bride-Fish in the stage.
Wow.. those artists' must enjoy this,
but not me...I was too self-concious. Damn. I want a naturally glow self.

( 心情隨筆其他 )
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