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Happy for you!
2013/08/18 07:13:11瀏覽72|回應0|推薦0

Yesterday afternoon I was with Selina and Casa to celebreate Selina's birthday.
They are my very best friends. 
Casa is at a career crossroads when facing the contradictions between company policies & client's requests.
Even though she couldn't find the answer now, I still have faith in her.
Casa, you can do it.
Those efforts you made won't be in vain.
At lease you can face your own soul.

I was really happy for Selina.
Not only because her just-bloomed love life, but also the glow on her face.
She went a long way...finally got the right man...
She told us that this one is willing to share his thoughts.
Wow, this was a breakthrough compared to her exes.
When walking after them, I liked what I saw in front of me.

( 休閒生活雜記 )
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