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Dear Winfred
2008/12/24 20:20:18瀏覽341|回應0|推薦4
Dear Winfred,
This is a letter I'll never send to you.

When I was new here, I was fond of you.
Your sense of humor catght my eyes.
When you sat beside me, I inhaled your smell greedly.
I thought the smell makes a man sexy.

However, I had never thought about occupying you with love.
How dare I convey my affections to you?
You had already gotten a girl friend.
To my sadness, two of you lived together.

Until now, I cannot look into your eyes for a long time.
Or I will fall into the lake in your beautiful eyes.
I am afraid the sight of passion reveals my secret.

However, I was kind of jealous of you.
You were the one who boss likes the best.
She always said nice things about you.
She made plenty of compliments on you.
I know I was childish to be jealous of you due to the reason.
To some extent, it's the way to balance my likes and dislikes to you.

Yours truly,
( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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