Why my production is down recently? I asked myself yesterday on
my way to, yet, another business trip.
It was supposed to be an easy day, just went and give a one hour talk.
Arriving the airport two hours before the take-off, I decided to read my
long behind newspapers, the two-week of "weekly review"'s from
New York Times. Then, I decided to listen to my two favorite
symphonies on my iPod.
Oh, writting takes energy. It is not an easy thing, especially the purpose
of writting is no long just for myself. Even, my life is the past
weeks was amazingly rich, I just haven't got the energy to write all
of them down.
It is suposed to be a dialog to myself, in the mean time, passing
some information to others, mostly who I care, I love the most.
Maybe, they are immuned to what I have written already, because
it is not a matter of what these stories, theories were about, but how
to apply those to the real life. Another lesson I learned from work,
theories, examples, are easy to be told, but hard to be repeated, to be
I have to settle down myself. This infection plus allergy is killing me.
Things happen in my life are just too fast to be recorded down. Plus
I found some disappointed facts in this little world that does make
me think about how to be more "sensitive" about things. However,
even in real life, I feel modesty is overly emphasized, overly valued,
particularly in Taiwan. How can I try to "not" be myself, even in this
virtual world? I know writting in English is much easier for me, 10-
15 minutes a day would be plenty for me.
The recent study keeps addressing that the new generation of
readers only can spend 15 minutes to read an article. For those
articles that talk more in depths, their future would be in doubt.
However, when I used up all my energy after the talk, my mind was
so attached to the airline magazine "Spirit". And the guy next to me
shared with me his Air Canada's enRoute. To me, reading is still the
most fundamental thing. That "Queens of Bordeaux" article was
one of the best, talking about wines, and the culture of making wines.
Yes, if we don't give ourselves enough time to read good articles,
our asset of knowledge could be soon depleted. Keep non-stop
writting is too exhausting, sometimes.