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2007/01/23 23:42:48瀏覽396|回應0|推薦1 | |
每個人一生當中和"錢"脫離不了關係,投資是想獲取更高的報酬,但不一定保證永遠獲利;而理財是理一生的財,希望一生的收入足以支付一生的支出,最後若有剩餘的財富,透過完善的財產規劃,讓財富安全的傳承子孫,照顧心愛的家人。 為但是很多人終其一生,追逐財富的累積,認為創造財富、累積財富是最重要、最緊急的事,有多少人非常有智慧、有遠見的為自己的退休安養做好規劃呢?昔日高雄鹽埕區的名人蔡萬枝,年輕多金、房地產非常的多,卻喜留連於酒家,還留傳著"萬枝仔調"是戶戶皆知的名人,曾幾何時,30 ~ 40年後家產散盡,老年孤苦無依,被家人遺棄,社會局還三番兩次的呼籲,還是沒有家人願意出面來探視;誰會想得到,年輕時非常的富裕,最後老境淒涼、孤苦無依,卻變成社會上沉重的負擔。 高市有名的醫師,母親成為植物人已12年了,醫師收入雖高,10幾年來也是無盡的責任,更是沉重的負擔,未來還要拖多久,沒人知道答案,因為要盡孝道,造成醫師本人無法為自己做好退休安養規劃,因為每個月的收入不足以因應支出,面對愈來愈高的銀行貸款,如果有一天他倒下來時,植物人的媽媽、未成年的子女,又將會如何?恐怕又是社會上另一個悲劇! 大同公司負責人林挺生中風後,媳婦掌權,引入娘家人馬來鞏固自己的勢力;林挺生又曾和女婿打股票訴訟官司,未來老字號的『大同』會落入何人手中呢?縱使富可敵國,若未事先做好規劃,未來可能留給自己、家人無以倫比的災害,因此,是先做好退休安養規劃,讓自己無論在任何情況下,都能夠很有尊嚴的生活,不會為家人留下負擔。 【當你付出的代價只有總資產的10%,平日一點一點存入,在你要用錢時後倍數還給你的家人,這就是理財的價值】 Mariah Carey 《Hero》There's a hero If you look inside your heart You don't have to be afraid Of what you are There's an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will meit away And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you It's a long road When you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand For you to hold You can find love If you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt will disappear And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you Lord knows...... Dreams are hard to follow But don't let anyone Tear them away hold on There will be tomorrow In time you'll find the away And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you That a hero lies in you... That a hero lies in you...... |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |