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(兒子的) What if Japan Earthquake Happens in Taipei
2012/06/01 16:22:03瀏覽95|回應0|推薦0

By 國小五年級Simon

Date: 2011/03/13

There was a “huge” earthquake in Japan at two o’clock yesterday afternoon. It was magnitude 8.9 underneath the Pacific Ocean. It was the same as many atomic bombs explode. When the earthquake happened, It also made a tsunami that is about ten meters high, so it made more damage to the countries. The earthquake and tsunami hit Japan and several other countries in the Pacific area.

Just then, I thought about a really important question: What if the Japan earthquake happened in Taipei?! Then, I thought of the damage it would make to Taipei. Taipei’s building can only bear 7.0 magnitude earthquakes, so the damage it made to Taipei might be more than to Japan. I think Taipei should be more prepared to the earthquake like this one.



( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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