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A psychology test
2007/12/23 01:09:10瀏覽528|回應1|推薦4

There are five things going on simultaneously
which need to be taken care of:

1. The telephone is ringing.

2. The baby is crying. 

3. Someone knocks at the front door or rings the doorbell.’’

4. There is laundry hanging on the line and it begins to rain. 

5. The water faucet in the kitchen is running.

In what order do you take care of the problems?

Here are the answers. Each of the items above represents a facet of your life.

1. The phone represents your job or career.

2. The baby represents your family.

3. The visitor represents your friends.

4. The laundry represents your sex life.

5. The running water represents money/wealth.

How close did this test match your priorities in life?


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What am I?
2008/05/29 18:42

My priority will be the following order:

I will pick up my baby, shouting  out “one moment, please” to the door, then picking up the phone saying “I will call you back”, then turning off the faucet and finally collecting all the laundry outside. Finally, I make it.

Pls share your comments.

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2008-05-29 20:42 回覆:

 You will pick up my baby ( which means you are such a wonderful family man who shares the housework or .. with your wife) t , shouting  out “one moment, please” to the door( You also care about your relationship with your friends and would try to have positive interactions with others), then picking up the phone saying “I will call you back”, ( you are not that kind of ambitious or aggressive in your career, but you are happy at work) then turning off the faucet ( maybe you don't value money or visible wealth as much as you value your family or friends) and finally collecting all the laundry outside( As for sex life, maybe you care more about the spiritual life more than sex life). Finally, I make it.

I don't know whether the test matches your priorities in life or not. However, it is quite interesting that our priorities are the same. Funny!!