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2009/02/14 16:47:57瀏覽920|回應2|推薦53 | |
愛情... 如同緩緩品嚐一杯咖啡 不是靠嘴上的甜言蜜語 不是緊迫釘人式的關心 需要... 一些些的空間沉澱 一點點的距離回味 就像... 無糖的二合一曼特寧 香純而不甜膩的口感 但卻讓人上癮的滋味
- - 愷 容 2009.2.14. - - (格子裡的夢) 【LOVE PROFUSION】
There are too many questions There is not one solution There is no resurrection There is so much confusion And the love perfusion You make me feel You make me know And the love vibration You make me feel You make it shine There are too many options There is no consolation I have lost my illusions What I want is an explanation And the love perfusion You make me feel You make me know And the love direction You make me feel You make me shine You make me feel You make me shine You make me feel *I got you under my skin * There is no comprehension There is real isolation There is so much destruction What I want is a celebration And I know I can feel bad When I get in a bad mood And the world can look so sad Only you make me feel good *I got you under my skin* And the love perfusion You make me feel You make me know And the love intention You make me feel You make me shine You make me feel You make me shine You make me feel *I got you under my skin * And I know I can feel bad When I get in a bad mood And the world can look so sad Only you make me feel good |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |