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2007/04/28 23:11:29瀏覽453|回應0|推薦2 | |
Melody 的同學 寶貝的午餐當然不能馬虎,學校沒有微波爐, 也沒有蒸飯器,所以如何讓他们有熱乎乎的午餐可以享用,一直讓我傷透腦筋. 還好從台灣帶來的保溫飯盒可以保溫4-6小時,所以我都在前一晚就備好炒飯,炒麵, 水餃或燉類食品,早上加熱後就可以直接裝入容器內,省時又方便. 後來Mrs. Conwell見我辛苦,在準備晚餐時就幫我多弄一份隔天可熱食的餐供小孩帶便當,她最拿手的義大利麵,燉肉馬鈴薯泥和中式泡麵炒麵,都是小孩的最愛. 水果方面也會每日更換, 蘋果, 橘子,哈蜜瓜,草莓等等,一點也不吝嗇.偶而還會親手做小甜點讓小孩當早茶點心. 所以Melody和Sandra都愛死她了. 學校也有福利社販賣零嘴和午餐,種類還不少. 每週五我都會讓他们訂學校午餐,有菜單可以事先選,像是 漢堡,壽司,千層麵,薯條,泡麵等等,價位在 AUD 2 ~ 5不等, 前一晚把錢裝入B4大小紙袋,外面寫上要訂購的食物,班級和名字,早上會由同學收齊後交到福利社給義工媽媽, 就可以了. 義工媽媽會在午休時間將熱呼呼的餐點送到各班前,供訂購者領取.有些熱食只在早茶時供應,有些則在特定的日子才有. 所以每到星期五就是Melody和Sandra最期待的日子,我給他们AUD5的額度,讓她们自己選. Melody是省錢型的小孩,總是挑最便宜的來吃,或是想吃價格較高的餐點時,會和妹妹研究合吃一份,另一份就點大蒜麵包(只要AUD0.8)或薯條. Sandra 就不同了,不但要吃好的, 要是沒有超過AUD5,剩下的就要我讓他買聰明豆或其它零食, 湊到5元 . 學校規定午餐要在大川堂吃,小孩们三五聚集分享午餐,大部份的學童都帶三明治,果汁,水果和優格.另外有數片餅乾在早茶時間食用. 有的小孩肚子餓了, 就在早茶時間把午餐吃了,等午餐時間在盡情玩45分. 也有小孩真的是沒帶午餐,往往只帶幾片餅乾,喝學校的白開水就過一天. 每回聽小孩回家分享他们午餐時間與同學互動愉快,玩的也盡興,一點也不覺的來澳洲是來念書的,反而是每日都玩的很開心. Sandra 最喜歡作的事就是下課和一群朋友去福利社排隊買零食,因為在台灣他們的學校是沒有福利社的,所以能親手付錢選自己想吃食物,對她而言, 是一大樂事. 每週我都固定給10元當零用錢,他们可以自行花用或等到回台錢買想要的紀念品. Melody永遠都花不完,Sandra則總是花光光. 真是一個家庭卻教出二個不同金錢觀的小孩. Robertson 福利社午餐菜單(2007年版本) TUESDAY – BURGER DAY (星期二 -漢堡日)
VEGI BURGER $3.00 (lettuce and mayo) CHICKEN BURGER $3.00 (lettuce, tomato & Mayo) CHEESE BURGER $3.20 (cheese, tomato, lettuce BBQ sauce) FISH BURGER $3.20 (cheese, tomato, lettuce Tartare sauce) Jumbo Sausage Roll $2.00 Noodles - Chicken or Beef $2.20
WEDNESDAY- SUSHI and FISH & CHIPS (星期三 - 壽司 和魚 和 洋芋片) SUSHI x Single $2.20 Double $4.40 Cooked Tuna/Teriyaki Chicken/Avocado (Flavours may vary depending on volume required) FISH & CHIPS $2.20 (WRAPPED FISH & CHIPS WITH Tartare Sauce) Jumbo Sausage Roll $2.00 Noodles – Chicken or Beef $2.20
THURSDAY – PASTA and PIE DAY (義大利麵 和 派) BEEF LASAGNE $3.20 MACARONI CHEESE $2.80 GARLIC BREAD (four slices) $0.80 CHEESE & BACON TOPPED PIE $2.60 LARGE BEEF PIE 200g $2.40 SMALL BEEF PIE 120g $1.50 Jumbo Sausage Roll $2.00 Noodles – Chicken or Beef $2.20
FRIDAY – HOT DOG DAY ( 熱狗日) SINGLE HOT DOG $1.80 SINGLE with Cheese $2.20 DOUBLE HOT DOG $2.80 DOUBLE with Cheese $3.20 TUNA PIE (made at Tuckshop) $2.50 (tuna/corn/egg/cheese/dill/S&P/Pastry) CHEESE & SPINACH ROLL $2.60 Jumbo Sausage Roll $2.00 Noodles – Chicken or Beef $2.20 All the items above must be ordered on the correct day. Incorrect orders will be given a Survivor Pack or part thereof depending on amount of money paid. HOT MILO AVAILABLE DAILY $0.80 Prices are subject to change without notice SANDWICHES & SALADS AVAILABLE EVERYDAY at 11.00am only Sand Roll Vegemite / Jam / Honey $1.30 $1.50 Ham / Chicken / Tuna $2.50 $2.60 1 salad item $2.80 $2.90 2 salad items $3.00 $3.10 3 salad items $3.20 $3.30 4 salad items $3.40 $3.50 5 salad items $3.60 $3.70 With Salad (6 items) $3.80 $3.90 (lettuce/tomato/cucumber/carrot/beetroot/pineapple) Cheese OR Egg $1.60 $1.70 1 salad item $1.90 $2.00 2 salad items $2.10 $2.20 3 salad items $2.30 $2.40 4 salad items $2.50 $2.60 5 salad items $2.70 $2.80 With Salad (6 items) $2.90 $3.00 (lettuce/tomato/cucumber/carrot/beetroot/pineapple) Salad Sandwich or Roll $2.50 $2.60 (includes onion /mayo if required) Salad Boxes (no meat) $3.00 Salad Boxes (Chicken/Tuna/Cheese/Egg) $4.00 Staff Salad Plates $4.50
Counter sales will vary everyday. Children should not rely on these items for lunch – Availability will vary according to our volunteer situation!! Bag Orders will always have preference over counter sales, UNLESS orders are handed in at break time.
SNACKS & DRINKS - can be ordered through Bag system (點心和飲料) Cheese Sticks $0.60 Frozen Yoghurt $1.40 Pauls Custard & Fruit packs $1.80 Jelly Fruit Cups $1.50 Fruit Tubs – Pears or Peaches $1.50 Hard Boiled Egg $0.60 Cookie Max Choc Chip Cookie $1.00 Wrapped Choc Chip Biscuit $0.70 Wrapped Large Anzac Biscuit $1.50 Popcorn $0.60 Custard Tubs and Spoon $0.90
DRINKS Plain Milk $1.00 Breaka Milk (choc/straw/I.Coffee/Vanilla) $1.60 Supershake – Chocolate or Crunchie $2.50 Fruit Smoothie – Breakfast or Strawberry & Banana $2.00 35% Juice Popper $1.00 100% Juice Popper 250ml $1.20 100% Fresh Juice 300ml (orange only) $1.30 Ribena 250ml $1.20 Pop Top Water $1.20 Popper Juice Fizz $1.30 (Apple Pine Passionfruit/Apple Orange & Mango orApple Raspberry)
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |