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2009/11/15 10:47:11瀏覽783|回應0|推薦0 | |||||||||||||
1. Difference or Indifference The bird wished it were a cloud he cloud wished it were a bird (Tagore) a. Quantity b. Input c. Output d. Reading e. Math f. I.Q. g. Production h. Practice i. Prospect & prospects 2. Mind Map (Tony Buzan) He didn’t invent the brain He did invent the instructions I. Theorya. I see b. I listen c. I feel II. Practicum 左、右腦反省: 依據科學家的研究,將人類的腦分成兩半—左腦與右腦。左腦控制右半邊身體,右腦控制左半邊身體。兩邊腦的功能也大有不同,以下是左右腦的對照表: 有關「內省的學習歷程」詳細內容,可參考 『多元智慧的教與學』 琳達‧坎伯等著郭俊賢等譯 遠流出版社
我們利用左右腦功能的不同,設計不同學習單: 左腦反省 a.、Describe your feeling with verbs, nouns, and adjectives b、Matching c、Recall the story d.、Interrogation e.、Copy me f、Choral reading g、 Using the encyclopedia h、Password i、Listening relay team j、Hangman k、Rephrasing l、Paraphrasing the story m、Treasure hunt
n、Letter Bingo: 右腦反省 a.、Draw the feeling b、Portraying feelings by drama ,movement or role play c、Auto-bio pattern d、Musical word pictures e、Collage creating f、Draw a picture story together g、Visual memory h、Reviewing words in the fresh air The ant is biting me The leaf is falling The wind is blowing i、Illustrate a poem j、Charades k、Picture story in the Grass This (f) is little, The(s) is shining. I see a (b) on a (l) l、Making picture-dictionary m、Maze and song: “sunshine on my_______(arm, foot) makes me ___ “ n、Making compound-word picture-riddle 3. Leader is Reader a. Preparation b. Practice c. Presentation d. Production e. Prospect & Prospects 4.Resources On-line resources a.Singing & Chanting http://www.thedance.com/wicca101/songs.htm#airiam b.Nursery rhyme http://www.enchantedlearning.com/rhymes/bat.shtml c.Choral reading http://www.madera.k12.ca.us/TEACHER_WEB/Lincoln_Teachers/dahlem_e/choral_reading.htm d.Auto-bio pattern http://www.berkeleyprep.org/lower/fourth/writing/auto-bio_poem.htm e.matching picture http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7134/Easter/eastmatch.htm f.matching letter http://games.englishclub.com/matching/msie_opposites01.htm g.teachers First Com. http://www.teachersfirst.com/autoframe.htm?http://www.cogcon .com/gamegoo/gooey.html h.charade http://wings.avkids.com/Curriculums/History/vocab_charade_game_howto.html 5. Sharing 6. Feedback I ended up with forty acres I ended up with a broken fiddleAnd a broken laugh, and a thousand memories And not a single regret (Edgar Lee Masters) ************************************
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |