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2021/09/15 14:04:40瀏覽622|回應0|推薦4 | |
kiwc姐妹們,大家好 秋天,秋風外加秋雨,讓大家感覺到一絲絲涼意,樹葉黃了,走在公園裡,隱約聽見風踩在樹葉上沙沙聲響,好似金色蝴蝶,亦像金色彩帶 纏綿飄呀飄~落地上,秋風秋雨愁煞人.自從6月國人陸續注射疫苗以來,憂喜參半,沒打也害怕,要打挫列等,但整體而言 利大於弊,您打了沒,kiwc關心您. 由於covid-19病毒捲土來襲,國內再陷疫情恐慌,今年5月charity ball 被迫停辦.疫情嚴峻 阻斷我們辦慈善晚會的計劃,但疫情險惡 阻擾不了我們 送溫暖的 決心.回想晚會籌備時期,各方善心人士匯入捐款,展現各位熱心公益的善舉,每每 點滴在心頭.疫情重創 經濟層面,間接影響到 平時靠 善款維持運作的 弱勢族群,值此疫情 非常時期,做為社會 中堅分子的我們kiwc更該挺身而出,伸出援手 適時送關懷 灌注及時雨,幫助他們 渡過難關. 9月初kiwc 理監事會議決定,困難中挺進,於9/22(三)假 麗尊飯店6樓維納斯廳 舉辦愛心捐贈例會.近日來 國內疫情時好時壞,CDC雖下修至2級警界,但Delta 病毒在國際間肆虐,並一再偷襲 踩台灣門檻, 國人防備警覺心 還是要堅持,kiwc理監事會隨時 關注疫情變化,再作調整.所謂患難見真情,請繼續 並肩作戰. 祝中秋 加點 愛 會長敏貞 主題:愛心奉獻 時間:11:30星期三9/22 地點:6樓 維納斯 麗尊飯店 費用:會員800,非會員900 Dear All, Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. We’ve seen the shorter days and felt and cool breeze as we head into the season. Taiwan’s vaccine rollout is well underway - have you got yours yet? The COVID-19 outbreak forced us to postpone the Charity Ball since May but could not stop us from putting our hearts to making funds and resources available to the vulnerable populations who were greatly impacted economically. The KIWC Board has decided to hold a “Love Donation” event in September. However, as the Delta variant is spreading in the community in northern Taiwan, we need to be vigilant and respond to the situation accordingly. Let’s all keep doing our parts (that is, wear masks and wash your hands) to protect ourselves. Happy mid-autumn festival! Theme: Love Offering Time: 11:30 am on Wednesday, Sep 22 Venue: 6F Venus, The Lees Hotel Fee: $800; $900 (non-member) |
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