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postpone the monthly event
2021/02/21 20:44:11瀏覽636|回應0|推薦13


KIWC 姐妹, 大家 新年恭喜

  二月春 是許多花卉盛開的季節,一年四季花意盎然的台灣, 因為全球疫情複發, 變種病毒延燒,全國人民春節過年都在台灣旅遊.說點輕鬆話題, 大家趁機,遠離塵囂 親近自然綠色之旅,讓思緒徜徉在 青山綠水之間, 體驗大自然之美, 給自己最舒展身心新春假期.

  姐妹們,回味一下1/27我們在國賓舉辦頭皮&美髮保養護理, 憶慧老師精闢講解,全方位滿足 來賓們提問, 讓各位追逐 秀髮飄逸 當個美麗佳人.再者,配合中央防疫政策減少群眾聚餐,kiwc 理監事會議決定 停辦2月例會活動,敬請見諒.姐妹們 春遊 賞花踏青,請 留意 各地景點 人潮分流,防疫優先 妳我安全.  最後感謝全國醫護人員辛勞,  祝各位 

牛來納福 犇向幸福. 會長  敏貞


 Dear All,

Happy Lunar New Year!! 

  As the beautiful cherry blossoms welcome us to February, we are blessed to be able celebrate with our loved ones and enjoy the refreshing nature amidst the pandemic that’s still troubling many parts of the world. 

  The January event offered us excellent tips and advice on how to care for scalp and obtain a shiny, glossy hair. KIWC Board have decided to postpone the monthly event and would like to wish everyone an awesome New Year’s Holiday season. Please abide by the guidance of the CECC to stay safe and pay our greatest gratitude to all the essential health-care workers! 

May the Year of Ox brings you happiness and health! 

President Christine 

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