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2021/05/06 09:16:01瀏覽293|回應0|推薦4

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Kiwc 姐妹們, 安好

 五月意味著春末夏初的到來,五月花開,春風懷抱 大地芬芳,這是一個感恩的季節,在燦爛五月,用自己最誠摯的愛和謝意,和全天下母親們 歡度一個值得回憶溫馨特別日子,kiwc全體理監事 祝福大家都有甜蜜歡喜的母親節.

 各位,我們幸運的在4/28到 嘉義旅遊了,姐妹們歡心滿滿各自在集合點陸續上車,風和日麗踏青旅程,就在會長一首'快樂出航'拉開序幕, 沿途歌聲繞樑,掌聲響起,先到 愛情大草原,享受綠草茹茵涼風徐來全身舒暢,來得巧,園區內只有我們,美女們搔首弄姿,拍好拍美,也試吃鳳梨酥,西瓜鳳梨品種,聽過嗎?午餐後來到檜意森活村,置身檜木清香薰陶, 小小店舖琳琅滿目,逛累了拍個照當 池畔美人,再到'火車'的休息站,1910萊瑪火車頭,導遊開始 看圖說故事,車箱 變 男廂&女廂便所,妳見過嗎?回程最後一站,物產生化科技聞名全球的台灣在 美妝產品,竟有能為全世界各家名牌代工30多年的台灣之光,旅遊中增見聞長知識,美媚們心動馬上行動,促進國內經濟發展,買好買滿,夕陽餘暉踏上歸途, 車上笑聲頻頻,大家相約5月再見.

 在這熱情洋溢生機盎然的五月,我們即將舉辦盼望已久 慈善晚會,5/28五kiwc 展開雙手歡迎各位美美的 到來,為弱勢族群盡己之力',聚沙成塔, 您的捐贈 是'愛心奉獻',您的光臨 是kiwc榮耀.  最後祝福大家 順心康健  會長敏貞


時間:2021 5/28五6:00pm

地點: 漢來巨蛋9樓龍鳳廳


Dear All,

May is a month that brings us new hope and makes our lives beautiful like spring flowers. It is also the time to show our best love and gratitude to the greatest person on the planet, our Mother, for giving us existence and everything one could ask for in life. 

From the opening karaoke songs to the TJCOS Tourism Factory at the end, our day trip to Chiayi was filled with lots of laughters, great sceneries, instagrammable photos and huge shopping haul! I hope you all had a blast! 

The much anticipated KIWC Charity Ball is just around the corner! We are very excited and honored to be making contributions and sharing our love with the people in need through this annual event. As the saying goes, when you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful KIWC ladies! 

President Christine 

Theme: One Good Turn Deserves Another 

Time: Friday, May 28th at 6pm

Venue: Hi-Lai Arena Banquet Hall, 9F

Fee: $1200

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