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Marathon vs Mazu Pilgrimage activity
2021/04/18 09:49:08瀏覽476|回應1|推薦9

(translated from 呂捷’ article)

Finally caught up with Mazu's footsteps!

This year, because of the epidemic, I can’t crawl underneath the sacred chairㄡ

But still come to experience the Mazu Pilgrimage activity in Taiwan!

The origin of the Olympic Games was to thank the gods and worship the gods.

Actually it's the same as our Mazu Pilgrimage activity~

You have a marathon, we have a Mazu Pilgrimage activity~

You have the sacred fire, we have the incense~

You have weightlifting, we have a sedan chair~

And... we have a medium, do you have one? We dare to do ourselves like this!

You dare......? ?

This time, we won again!

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Sir Norton 黑幫哪裡黑?
2021/04/19 11:45
Bifröst Kærlighed(readingclub) 於 2021-04-19 14:05 回覆:

Dear Pro. Norton: no wonder you are so outstanding, always have a learning heart.呂捷is a famous history teacher here in Taiwan, and also host a political program, you may take a look from the link, and this article i just translated from his funny poem, i didn't post his original article to avoid pirating. no wonder it's hard for you to understand. Mazu is 媽祖. sorry for giving you hard time to read. thank you for stopping, best regards.