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2021/01/14 18:37:15瀏覽654|回應0|推薦1 | |
(轉貼) KIWC姊妹大家安好: 12月是充滿聖誕氣氛的月份,由於變種病毒使疫情更加嚴峻,許多國家紛紛鎖國封城,歐美國家2020過了一個黑色聖誕節,相對之下台灣人何其幸福,萬眾矚目、引頸盼望KIWC聖誕派對,我們如期舉行了。感謝姊妹來賓們愛護與贊助,理監事有信心更用心共同攜手創造更美好的2021。 12/23晚會在鼓陣隆隆聲中拉開序幕,不畏困難唐寶寶學習擂鼓精神可嘉,掌聲中會長致贈會旗及嘉獎紅包。KIWC Golf Team帶來熱情艷舞,來賓們眼睛閃亮、應接不暇,觀眾群集忙碌拍照。接著美聲合唱團隆重登場,演唱旋律優美"歌劇魅影"獲許多讚賞。Live Band主唱阿霞登高一唱全場熱烈歡呼真High翻天。舞池滿滿各個舞藝高強,裝扮爭奇奪艷,席間穿插中獎者驚呼聲,大夥兒盡情解放一掃鬱悶陰暗心情,好美夜晚我們共同擁有。 激情過後,我們回歸正常作息運作,告別2020今年1月份KIWC理監事從"頭"談起。1/27(三)我們邀請李憶慧老師來分享如何做好頭皮保養頭髮護理,歡迎大家來參加意見交流! 祝 新牛快樂 會長敏貞 主題:頭皮頭髮保養 時間:1/27(三)11:30 地點:國賓飯店 聯誼廳2樓 費用:會員800, 非會員900 Dear all, The holiday season was not so festive but rather worrisome as many countries in the northern hemisphere locked down one after another due to the soaring number of coronavirus cases. Fortunately, we had a great opportunity to bid farewell to 2020 with the KIWC Christmas party, where we indulged in the dazzling performances that heated up the whole room! Hope everyone is feeling refreshed and ready to welcome our first event in the near year, where we will be learning about the perfect hair care routine. Happy New Year! President Christine Theme: Scalp and Hair Care Time: 11:30 am on Wed. January 27th Venue: 2nd floor, Embassador Hotel Admission: member 800, nonmember 900 |
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